Saturday, November 30, 2019
Tufts University 2017-2018 Supplemental Essay Prompts
Applying to Tufts? Here are this year’s supplemental essay prompts for Tufts University.1. Which aspects of Tufts’ curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your application? In short: â€Å"Why Tufts?†(50–100 words)TIP: This is the most common type of supplemental essay prompt universities will ask of their applicants. What’s challenging about the Why Tuft’s supplemental essay is the word limit. You have to be very concise about what you like about the school. Whether it’s about a specific academic program or campus culture, use concrete examples to demonstrate how you feel and how much you know about the school.2. There is a Quaker saying: â€Å"Let your life speak.†Describe the environment in which you were raised – your family, home, neighborhood, or community – and how it influenced the person you are today. (200–250 words) TIP: This essay prompt is wants to know more about your community. Whether it’s the physical location or your support group, how did that help you grow? Were there any restrictions or limitations that triggered you to initiate a movement? Or that forced you to venture out? Again, going back to the 5 big supplemental essay tips, it’s important for you to keep in mind the bigger picture. If you have a few different ideas on how to respond to this prompt, choose the one that you have yet to elaborate on in your application.3. Now we’d like to know a little bit more about you. Please respond to one of the following six questions (200-250 words).Students applying to the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering should select from prompts A-E. Students applying to the SMFA at Tufts BFA program or the Five-Year BFA + BA/BS Combined Degree program must answer prompt F: A. Its cool to be smart. Tell us about the subjects or ideas that excite your intellectual curiosity.TIP: If you talked about a specific academic program in the â€Å"Why Tufts†supplemental essay, then this would be a good area for you to elaborate on why you are interested in this field of study. How long have you been interested in it? Did you have a role model or someone that got you interested in this field? How have you taken an initiative in high school to follow these interests? B. In a time when we’re always plugged in (and sometimes tuned out), tell us about a time when you listened, truly listened, to a person or a cause. How did that moment change you? TIP: This reminds me of an old Common App essay prompt: a moment that changed you. This can be a challenging prompt, so if nothing immediately jumps out at you when you first read the prompt, I’d recommend you choose another. If you do want to choose this prompt, perhaps it’s easier to brainstorm based on a person or a cause you care about. Why was that conversation important to you? Did it change your perspective? If not, were you able to empathize with the other person. If you were heavily involved in volunteering, this would be a good prompt to launch into your dedication to the organizations you were part of. Recall any little conversations with people you worked with or for, and how that renewed your dedication. C. Celebrate the role of sports in your life. TIP: The perfect prompt for all those student athletes out there! Sports and training is a commitment during high school. You have to set aside so much time to train and compete that it may have defined your high school career. What did you learn from being an athlete? How did it translate to your life outside of sports? Remember, this prompt isn’t just student athletes. If you’re interested in sports, you can also utilize this essay prompt to demonstrate your varied interests. This might even be an important prompt for students who didn’t play sports in high school, but enjoyed it as a hobby. How are sports important to you as an interest? D. Whether youve built blanket forts or circuit boards, produced community theater or mixed media art installations, tell us: what have you invented, engineered, created, or designed? Or what do you hope to? TIP: If you did any independent project inside or outside of school, this will be a great place to elaborate on your project. Or perhaps something you worked on over the summer! The point is to demonstrate your creative thinking, building ability and entrepreneurial spirit. Even if the project was unsuccessful, share the thought process and experience of the project. What happened, and what could you have done differently? E. What makes you happy? Why? TIP: This seems so straightforward, but it is secretly a tough supplemental essay prompt to respond to. It is very open ended and you can talk about anything you want. It also requires a lot of reflection on yourself. Whatever you do choose to write about, make sure you’re able to provide insight into what you value. That’s the true point of the essay: to get an intimate glimpse of who you are. F. Artist Bruce Nauman once said: One of the factors that still keeps me in the studio is that every so often I have to more or less start all over. Everyone deals with failure differently; for most artists failure is an opportunity to start something new. Tell us about a time when you have failed and how that has influenced your art practice. TIP: This is specific to students applying to the SMFA at Tufts BFA program or the Five-Year BFA + BA/BS Combined Degree program. This is a very common application essay question, but don’t take it lightly. While it’s easy rec ount a time you have failed, it’s not always so easy to let readers in on your thought process and emotional journey. The failure experience is important, but it’s only to help you frame your essay. The focal point of your response is how it influenced in. What did you learn from what? What did you do differently? Were you surprised you failed? Did you take a different direction or did you embrace it into your future work? It’s helpful to write out the full experience and then cut and edit by drawing out the emotions and insight you had from the experience you had. ​Hope this was helpful to students applying to Tufts University this fall! Here are more general tips on writing the supplemental essays.For supplemental essay examples, you can now search bysupplemental essay topicson our search page. Or, you can check out ourcurated packagesto find what you’re looking! For further access, upgrade to ourpremium plansoffer different levels of profile access and data insights that can help you get into your dream school.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Priam vs Achilles essays
Priam vs Achilles essays In Homers epic poem The Iliad the great Argive hero Achilles is depicted first as a valiant but emotional character. He is given far too much to his anger and is driven by his vengeance. After being deprived of his beloved Breisis he spins into a torrent of anger and abandons his king and his countrymen to serve his own selfish pride. Achilles eventually returns to the battlefield and defeats the Trojans, but at this point in the story he is only a great warrior. He is simply an invincible hulk of a man whose only merit is literally god-given. It is only after killing Hector, the Trojan kings most beloved son, desecrating his corpse, and being implored by his father does his true honor and valor shine through. It is only through his honor of and respect for Priam that he may transform. Achilles honors a great many things in Priam. I think first and foremost, he admires his likeness to his own father. He has respect for his age and for the things he has done. Priam is a great king that has fathered many sons. He has fought long to protect his kingdom and establish his lineage. I think Achilles honors his love for his sons and, most importantly his love for Hector. He admires his wealth and excellence also. I think both of these are made evident when Achilles says to Priam, you excelled all men, old king, in sons and wealth (XXIV.639) What Achilles at one time view as a war trophy, he now sees as something more. The corpse of Hector is a symbol of a fathers pride and a labor of love. Priam produced many sons but none even compared to greatness of Hector. None fought so tenaciously on the battlefield to defend his homeland. None were so brave and devoted to morality. None cared more for his country and his family. When Priam speaks of Hector he feels ashamed of the way he treated him. He feels guilt for dishonoring such an honorable man and for treating him as a trophy. To dishonor Hector...
Friday, November 22, 2019
California Drought Affected The Farmers
California Drought For about five years, California has experienced above average temperatures and a lack of rain. This lack of rain and snowfall has caused California to become increasingly dry, starting arguments over whose right to water is more important and who needs to be more mindful with their use of water. Farming in California truly began during the goldrush, when water was redirected to land where food was grown for those looking for gold (Siegler, 2015). The farmers that have stayed on†¦ The California Drought Running Water From 2011 to 2014, California got hit with the driest period since 1895 (Ellen, 2015). This drought had concerned many people all over California. As a result, several water drought pictures were posted online, which showed that water in most lakes and rivers had gone half to even two-thirds down. In January 2014, Governor Brown declared the emergency of the drought, which triggered the State Water Resources Control board to set up conservation requirements†¦ make it no coincidence that California produces the most amount of food within all of the American states. With vast quantities of agriculture, comes the necessity for a great abundance of water. Agriculture uses close to 80% of the entire water supply in California (NDRC, 2014). As California continues to extract more and more groundwater as well as export water-demanding crops, the issue is only getting further from a resolution. The current appalling drought in California has been ongoing since 2011†¦ California’s newest Drought Determining when drought develops is a function of drought impacts and water users. Drought is best sought as a period of dry weather, and extended shortage of water, especially a long one that is injurious to crops. This is a dangerous hydrologic condition that not only concerns water users in the affected area but also in some other locations some water users exempt but not all the way safe. Drought is a abnormal circumstance if it is insistent. Drought is a gradual emergency†¦ The California Drought The California drought has affected many things and many people in a lot of different ways. So many ways that it took a while for me to figure out about whom I was going to write. One group that caught my attention and has been affected greatly by this drought is golfers and golf courses. I have decided to interview both my grandpa and uncle who play golf almost everyday and are a member of one of the most profound country clubs in California. Water districts throughout†¦ Are we coping with the current drought in California or are we just postponing the inevitable shortage of water? Californians need to be quick because if scientists are right, the harshness of the current drought is second only to that of the dust bowl. Some agencies have been created to find possible results to the water shortfall, the government has been manipulated to discover solutions to the problem as well as requesting that people conserve water. This could be the beginning of California’s†¦ high-level plan to engage stakeholders to mitigate the issue of global almond production has on California’s water drought. Hence, I discussed with him and let him know to change his overall focus of his reflection paper. However, I made a modification to my answer in part 1 from reading Kota’s reflection by adding a specific example for the government regulation of taxation for farmers when using excessive water. In contrast, after reading Jihong Yang’s reflection paper, I found several interesting†¦ Daniel - Section #119. Water Management and the Drought in California Water management has been a problem in California’s history since the first settlers moved to California. With most of the water located in the north and eastern parts and most of the population in the southern, desert part of the state, problems were guaranteed to occur. However, in the past five years, a drought has plagued most of the western United States and especially, California. An especially strong La Nià ±a coupled with low†¦ then you may have heard that the State of California has declared a drought of emergency on January 14, 2014. One of the main reasons that California declared a drought emergency is because of the climate change due to global warming. Living in San Francisco, you should have an idea of how populated the area is based on the amount of traffic that occurs. Imagine the amount of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere on a daily basis. This drought is just one of the effects of global warming†¦ A drought is defined as a â€Å"period of drier-than-normal conditions that results in water-related problems†(USGS). Water years are counted from October 1 to September 30, meaning we just recently entered a new water year. One of the most well-known and troublesome droughts in the United States is the California Drought. It began in 2011 and is now entering its sixth year of drought in 2016. It is described as the worst drought in 1,200 years California has seen (House Committee). The period of June†¦
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marketing Management - Case Study Example Xstrata is an internationally renowned mining company with its headquarters at Zug in Switzerland. It is world's fourth largest producer of copper. Xstrata is a member FTSE 100 Index and listed on both the London Stock Exchange and the SWX Swiss Exchange. Glencore is a 40 percent stakeholder of Xstrata. It started operation in the year 1926 as an infrastructure and electricity projects concern in the land of Latin America. In the beginning of its life span, it diversified into mining and disposed of its non-core business. In the recent past, Xstrata doubled in size after the takeover of Australian copper, zinc and coal miner MIM Holdings. However it lost to the world's biggest mining company, BHP Billiton in a bid for another Australian miner, WMC Resources. In the year 2005, Xstrata acquired 19.9 percent stake in a diversified Canadian mining company producing copper, nickel, aluminum and zinc called Falconbridge Limited. Later in 2006 it purchased the remaining 80 percent of Falcon bridge. The last year Xstrata Coal, based in Sydney successfully acquired Anvil Hill Coal Mine from Centennial Coal Company. At present Xstrata caters to seven major international markets viz., copper, coking, coal, thermal coal, ferrochrome, cooking coal, thermal coal, nickel, vanadium and zinc. It has also ventured into the platinum group metals business and other more popular metals like gold, silver, cobalt and lead. (Xstrata plc, 2008 A) Xstrata s3. Product/company audit: 3.1. Mission Statement, values and beliefs Xstrata strives to grow and further diversify its portfolio of metals and mining businesses. Xstrata values its each and every stakeholder be it shareholders and employees or customers and vendors. It aims at delivering industry-leading returns to its shareholders, better work environment and incentives to its employees, superior product and efficient service to its customers and genuine partnership with vendors and other stakeholders. For a long-term viability it is extremely crucial for organisations to encourage integrity, co-operation and transparency in work. Business ethics both on a macro and micro level is important to restore the health of the organisation and its employees. Value creation takes place only when all the individuals of an organisation work together towards a common goal. As a corporate mission Xstrata endeavor to grow and create value over the long term by operating in an ethical and transparent way. Among the many strategic objectives, the most important and crucial ones for Xstrata can be identified as: Managing a striking portfolio of assets. Keeping an unwavering focus on growth of the organisation by timely identification of opportunities for value creation. Like any other company, finance plays a very important role in Strata's future growth and expansion plans. Thus as a strategic step they maintain and enhance their financial strength and discipline with
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Religion As A Means For Political And Economic Gains Essay
Religion As A Means For Political And Economic Gains - Essay Example This statement will be tested through qualitative analysis of the existing literature on religion and a case study of Taliban. By looking into the question of whether Pakistan used Islam through Talibanization of Afghanistan essentially to stem the growing Pashtun nationalist movement, I will attempt to show that religion was used for political gains and virtually economic gains by a country which broke apart at the hands of a similar nationalist movement three decades ago. The outcome of this research can help to bring us closer to understanding religion and add to an ongoing debate on religion and its correlation with politics and economy. Keywords: religion, religious exploitation, religious values, fundamentalism, Taliban, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Pashtunistan Research Design in Anthropology (Final Project) 1. OBJECT The main function of religion is maintaining a desirable social order which protects the individuals and the society from physical and emotional harm caused by fellow members and "promises deliverance from deprivation" (Columbia Encyclopedia), but since it has the ability to gain a high level of acceptability among its followers, sometimes to the level of reverence, it demands a blind faith from who follow the rituals without reasoning. In their introduction to the first volume of the famed "Fundamentalism Project, " Fundamentalisms Observed, editors Martin Marty and R. Scott Appleby (1991) claim that the religious aspect of fundamentalism tends to express itself in the following four ways: as a "fighting for" the worldview associated with the religion; a "fighting with" the myths, traditions and doctrines created by the religion; a "fighting against" those who do not subscribe to the religion; and finally, a "fighting under" the god or other transcendent reference thought to be the religion's ultimate source. In under-developed societies religion has a stronger hold over the poor and the powerless who seek protection in its name and solace when they when they fail to achieve the desired goals in life. Since the clergy claim ownership of religion their role becomes the most important for the society as well as for the individual, sometimes even more important than God himself. Some high-priests become so powerful that their ascendancy rivals the powers of the rulers and other pressure groups. Thus religion commands absolute obedience from the poor and the powerless which enslaves them to the custodians of religion namely the clergy which in turn gives them the power to alter social behavior. More recently, such a phenomenon has come to be identified as "fundamentalism" whereby the clergy and associates have sought or achieved change of social, political and economic nature. "Any socio-political movement that requires of its members a strict adherence to specifi ed "fundamentals" or doctrines; that seeks to impose those fundamentals, by persuasion or force, on any who are outside the movement; and that claims for its motivation in doing so a divine, or otherwise transcendentally grounded, mandate." (Carr & Saha, 2001) This has happened in some societies while elsewhere other social factors emerged to mollify or cancel the magic of the religion and its custodians such as interfaith or sectarian rivalry, rise of progressive forces which further the power of reasoning and science and so on. History is full of incidents where clergy using religious edicts and faith have tried to alter social
Saturday, November 16, 2019
East of Eden Essay Example for Free
East of Eden Essay East of Eden deplores many religious matters, specifically, the concepts of sibling rivalry and the age old battle between good and evil. In the biblical Book of Genesis, the brothers Cain and Abel offer God the father a sacrifice. God favors the shepherd Abels sacrifice of his best lamb over the farmer Cains grain. Subsequently, in a Jealous rage, Cain kills his brother Abel, only to be marked by God and banished to wander the earth. Stanford dropout, John Steinbeck applies the story of Genesis heavily in East of Eden; the concepts of this iblical allusion are evident in both generations of brothers. In each generation, one of the Trask brothers is moral and good while the other brother behaves badly and immorally, already we see how the Trask family parallels Genesis. Because the good Trask brothers are favored, the bad Trask brothers develop envious tendencies and a recurrent theme of sibling rivalry appears throughout the book. The first generation of Trask brothers, Charles and Adam, follow the Cain and Abel biblical model from the very beginning. .. its awful not to be loved. Its the worst thing in the world t makes you mean, and violent, and cruel. (Steinbeck 347). This quote epitomizes the root of all evil in the Trask generations- lack of recognition to one of the sons. When their deadbeat father Cyrus favors Adams birthday gift of a puppy over Charles expensive knife, Charles nearly beats Adam to death. Although Charles does not kill Adam, he is a clear allusion to Cain. While Adam wanders the Earth in the army, it is Charles who remains on the farm, where like Cain, h e becomes marked with a dark brown scar. Adam therefor, is reflected as Abel. Humans are caught†in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their avarice and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too†in a net of good and evil. (127). This quote is a clear representation of the Adam and Charles relationship throughout the novel. The incident that occurred over a simple birthday gift sparked a Jealous rage that caused Charles and Adam to remain at odds with each other throughout their entire lives despite their love for each other. The next generation of Trask brothers, the dark haired Cal and fair-haired Aaron, also carry out the dynamics of the Cain and Abel tale. Cals Jealousy towards Aron is due to the favoritism that Aron receives from their father Adam; this is especially seen through an episode that resulted in Aarons death. For some reason, Adam favors Aron over Cal and when Cal offers his father a birthday present of $1 5,000 to help him recover his financial losses, Adam scorns him for making the money during a war-time economy. In a rage, Cal takes his brother to isit the notorious prostitute that birthed the two boys. Emotionally traumatized, Aaron runs away to the army during World War l, and dies soon after. Cal lies to Adam when asked about Aarons whereabouts. Where is he? How do I know? said Cal. Am I supposed to look after him? (p. 562). This sequence between Cal and Adam portrays the emotional barrier between the two that seems to bring out the untruthfulness in Cal that reflects his ancient parallel, Cain. Thus, the biblical tale plays out with Cal, although inadvertently, killing his brother. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a the concept of timshel. While psychologically shattered Adam reminisces over Cathy, Lee and Samuel share philosophical discussions over the ancient Hebrew word timshel. Timshel defies the pattern in the Cain and Abel tale, rather than condemning the less favored brother to a life of sin it pursues the issue of free will and grants Cal the strength to depart from the inherently bound evil motives that ossessed him at an early age.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How Empirical Psychology Illuminates Issues in Moral Ontology Essay
How Empirical Psychology Illuminates Issues in Moral Ontology ABSTRACT: Although scientific naturalistic philosophers have been concerned with the role of scientific psychology in illuminating problems in moral psychology, they have paid less attention to the contributions that it might make to issues of moral ontology. In this paper, I illustrate how findings in moral developmental psychology illuminate and advance the discussion of a long-standing issue in moral ontology, that of moral realism. To do this, I examine Gilbert Harman and Nicholas Sturgeon's discussion of that issue. I contend that their explorations leave the issue unresolved. To break the stalemate, I appeal to empirical psychological findings about moral internalization-the process by which children acquire the capacity to act in terms of moral norms. I contend that these findings illuminate the issue, suggest a way to advance it, and tend to support a moral realist position. Although scientifically and naturalistically inclined philosophers are concerned with the role of empirical psychology in illuminating problems in moral psychology, such as the capacities for moral agency, they have paid less attention to its potential contributions to issues of moral epistemology and ontology. In this paper, I illustrate how findings in moral developmental psychology illuminate and advance the discussion of the long-standing issue in moral ontology of moral realism. Moral realism is the view that moral realities are objective, and thus in some important sense(s) independent of either the subjective states of moral agents or intersubjective factors. Naturalistic moral realism makes these objective moral realities part of the material world. I examine some recent disc... on moral explanations of natural facts. In N. Gillespie. (Ed) Spindel Conference, 1986: Moral Realism., The Southern Journal of Philosophy , XXIV, Supplement, 69-78. Sturgeon, N. L. (1986b). What difference does it make if moral realism is true? In N. Gillespie (Ed) Spindel Conference, 1986: Moral Realism.. The Southern Journal of Philosophy , XXIV, Supplement,. 115-41. Zahn-Waxler, C., Radke-Yarrow, M. and King, R. A. (1979). Child-rearing and children's prosocial initiations toward victims of distress. Child Development. 50, 319-330. Zahn-Waxler, C. and Radke-Yarrow, M. (1982). The development of altruism: alternative research strategies, In N. Eisenberg (Ed) The Development of Prosocial Behavior (pp. 109-137). New York: Academic Press. Zahn-Waxler, C. and Radke-Yarrow, M (1990). The origins of empathic concern. Motivation and Emotion, 14, 107-130.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Final Project: Analyze a Sociological Issue
Axia college of university of phoenix| Final Project: Analyze a Sociological Issue| SOC 120 | | | February 15, 2009| Project: Analyze a Sociological Issue In this course you have learned about many different kinds of social problems and controversial issues in societies around the world and in the United States, such as poverty, social inequality, race and cultural discrimination, gender stratification, environmental damage, population growth, and urbanization. ? Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum] Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper examining the impact of a current social problem on a particular social group. You may choose a social problem and social group from the Suggested Social Problems and Social Groups List in Appendix A, or you can research a social problem and social group that is not in the list. However, if you choose your own, you will need to submit a request to the instructor by Week 4. Format the paper according to APA style. Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two should come from the Online Library. You can also refer to the Recommended Web Sites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources. Note: Sources other than those from the Online Library or the Recommended Web Sites list need to be approved by the instructor. Submit the paper as an attachment| Racial Discrimination and Hispanics in the United States Even though the population of Hispanic People is growing in the United States, the Hispanic People are still somewhat discriminated against. Growing up in the South West, I have seen many changes in Race and its role in the community I live in. Recent growth in immigration from Mexico has brought about many different feelings and faces to this community. Phoenix, Arizona has become a place of much racial diversity and racial tensions. Hispanic cultures are a prevalent part in Arizona and the Mexican people have become a major part of Arizona politics, I was talking with a Postal Delivery Person and he stated that most new occupants are of Hispanic Descent, and this trend seems to be on the rise. In this community the white race is still predominate but change will come in as the Hispanic Peoples will become more predominate than white, English speaking people, soon I will have to speak two languages, which in my case, I do. Conventional wisdom holds that Latin America is a highly discriminatory society. â€Å"Understanding the extent of such discrimination and exploring the channels through which it operates deserve special attention†. (Alberto Chong, Hugo Nopo). (2008). Racial discrimination is a term used to describe unruly or unfair behavior afflicted on individuals based on their race. Historically, racism existed from ancient times, one particular race always tried to exert its supremacy over the others resulting in a concept known as racial discrimination. â€Å"Before I go any further, we need to know what makes up Hispanic America†. Mexican Americans: Mexican Americans have become a part of American and have given America much to brag about; through a growing political presence the Mexican community has brought a culture that is rich in heritage which is a vital part of modern America. Mexican Americans have attained socioeconomic and linguistic assimilation as well as legal status. Most are in pursuit of the American Dream of freedom and financial release. Dominican Americans: The native language of Dominicans is Spanish with English being a second language, many Dominicans hold fast to the Dominican Republic as their homeland and many Dominicans migrate back to their country where they were born. Immigration issues abound in this culture, many Dominicans come to America illegally by way of Puerto Rico; Dominicans enjoy living the American dream with the American culture already understood by many before they come to America. Puerto Rican Americans: Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the United States and has its own Constitution, Legislature and Governor, all subject to United States Executive Authority. English is taught in schools in Puerto Rico but Spanish is the primary language, due to Commonwealth status, all Puerto Ricans are American Citizens (considered migrants versus immigrants), much is debated in the political arena, with may advocating for full United States statehood and those who wish for complete independence from the United States. Cuban Americans: Many Cuban Americans have come to the United States through political exile, and many have settled in Miami, Florida and a significant number living throughout the United States. The Cuban American, coming to America, in Miami, have created a type of reverse assimilation into American culture, bringing about the terminology known as reverse acculturation, where the residents in Miami have accepted political dominance as well as the economic impact Cuban Americans have on this geographical area. From humble beginnings, earlier generations viewed as lower forms of society, worked hard and obtained citizenship that proved the resiliency of this Hispanic American. Religion has played a major role in most Hispanic American culture; the Roman Catholic Church has influenced many Hispanic Americans but a trend to move away from the Catholic Church, with many Hispanic Americans becoming Protestant, most being Baptist. At any case, Most Hispanic Americans are Religious, and this influences many in today’s Hispanic American culture. One would think that modern society would have learned how to cope with racial discrimination and especially with Hispanics and all the contributions that this Ethnic Group has given to the United States. As American society’s diverse population grows in the next Century the Hispanic Population will continue to grow as well as contribute to our Nation’s economy and society. Hispanic Americans have become a part of America, and have given America much to brag about; through a growing political presence the Hispanic community has brought a culture that is rich in heritage which is a vital part of modern America. Hispanic Americans have attained socioeconomic and linguistic assimilation as well as legal status. Most are in pursuit of the American Dream of freedom and financial release. In America’s case racial discrimination is a reality among Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans and other immigrant groups and in spite of the ethnic growth throughout America over the past 30 years, racial minority groups like Hispanics continues to struggle for full Equal Rights. Hispanic or Latin Americans make up 12. 5 percent of America’s population, but Hispanics always have been considered a minority group and continue to be discriminated against in the work place as well as seeking accommodation and gaining other public services. Since 911 things have gotten worse in states that border Mexico, for anyone with darker colored skin, according to National Catholic Reporter, â€Å"At Ray Carrillo's welding yard in El Paso, Texas, neighbors talk about the Guard. They also talk about citizen militias like the Minutemen–a local one is called the Border Regulators–that have appeared. And they talk about the sheriff, who has detained more than 800 undocumented persons at roadblocks and turned them over to the Border Patrol. Deputies even asked U. S. citizens who looked Mexican to present papers, according to residents who say they were asked. In late October deputies confronted shop owner Jose Rodriguez, who had posted a handwritten sign in Spanish on his property warning neighbors of a renewed roadblock. Rodriguez's wife, Maria, said the family now felt â€Å"threatened. †A deputy had called for backup and more patrol cars arrived, according to the couple. â€Å"Now I am going to be here seven days a week,†they said the deputy insisted. When Rodriguez complained, â€Å"You're going to break my business,†a deputy said, â€Å"We're going to be here until you close your business,†according to the couple†. McConahay, M. J. (Nov 17, 2006). Hispanic residents wonder if they're friend or foe). As National security is a concern to every American Citizen, â€Å"including Hispanic Americans†We must differentiate between enemy and friend. In Maricopa County, the County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Attorney Andrew Thomas have enforced immigration laws and created a task force that targe ts illegal aliens and those who hire them and is of much debate among the Hispanic community in Arizona. The key racial issue in this area is illegal immigration and the effect this problem has had on violent crime in Maricopa County and rising crime in my neighborhood. According to a Maricopa County Attorney News Release, (October 2, 2008), â€Å"An analysis of all defendants sentenced for felonies in 2007 in Maricopa County Superior Court shows 18. 7% to in the United States illegally. Factoring in a random sample of those whose immigration status was initially unknown and later determined to be illegal, the study finds that number rises to 21. %†. This has a direct effect on me and those who are close to me because, it is not known if we should plan to defend our property and make it more secure. With increased problems due to increased migration from Mexico and other countries throughout Mexico, I may be forced to move to a different area where I and my family will feel more secure. The media in the Maricopa County area has different views on the issue of illegal immigration and the so called Illegal Immigration Round-Ups. With most of the media taking the safe route, there are a few that speak out against the County Attorney and the County Sheriff, claiming both are bias and use racial profiling as a means of locating illegal aliens in these Round-Ups. All of these statistics have a profound effect upon the Hispanic American community, when racial profiling continues even when the Hispanics of the United States have been here longer than many other racial groups, the law needs to reconsider how they move forward with security, and what many consider harassment. We can see this during World War II, when America viewed Japanese victories in the Russo-Japanese War reinforced the belief that the Western World was facing a yellow peril. For two decades, after the Russo-Japanese War many Americans believed that a United States war with Japan was inevitable. The image of the yellow peril was mirrored for Americans by the writings of various authors, newspaper editors, columnists, and movies in which Orientals were portrayed as sinister villains engaged in activities of vengeance and treachery. Many Japanese Americans were subjected to concentration camps in Arizona and throughout the Western United States. If American society does not take into account what happened during these dark years of World War II, we may see issues with Hispanics in America being forced to live in certain areas consigned to the Hispanic Community due to boarder tensions with Mexico and Latin Americas. According to the racial discrimination act, it is illegal to discriminate people in the areas of public life on the basis of their race. These areas include employment, housing accommodation, real estate buying, and provision of goods and services, accessing public places, using public transportation services and in advertising. Under this act, even an offensive or abusive behavior or language that is based on racial vilification is prohibited. In my opinion, it is difficult to accurately measure prejudice in America but to a certain degree, yes, prejudice can be measured. When I say â€Å"to a certain degree†; one cannot know for certain if the person is totally prejudiced against another race. My preference for people of my ethnic background does not make me prejudice. I believe the human race as a whole comes from one blood, but for some reason has taken on the different characteristics we now see in the diverse human race. Racial Tensions as well as Prejudice against those who have come to America in the last century have excelled for no apparent reason as we that make up modern America, that came to this beautiful country at one time or another, many racial groups have faced prejudice such as the Irish and Italian immigrants, African Americans, and the list goes on and on. It seems as though wherever human society is, there will always be discrimination against some group or groups. I believe we as American Citizens must come together (especially in these tough economic times) and create a wonderful diverse America, where â€Å"everyone†can be proud of the American flag and the land of the free as our ancestors who migrated to America did. Reference (s): Axia College of University of Phoenix (2008). Chapter One Through Sixteen, Society: The Basics, Eighth Edition by John J. Macionis (2006). Retrieved February 15, 2009, from Axia College, Week Six reading, SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology aXcess Web site. Axia College of University of Phoenix (2008). Racial and Ethnic Groups, Tenth Edition. Retrieved Feburary 15, 2009, from Axia College, Week Six reading, ETH 125 Cultural Diversity aXcess Web site. Alberto Chong, Hugo Nopo. (2008). The Mystery of Discrimination in Latin America/Comments. Economia, 8(2), 79-115. Retrieved February 13, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1579566311). McConahay, M. J. (Nov 17, 2006). Hispanic residents wonder if they're friend or foe. National Catholic Reporter, 43, 5. p. 7 (2). Retrieved February 15, 2009, from General OneFile via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS Maricopa County Attorney News Release, October 2, 2008. Retrieved February 15, 2009 from: http://www. mcaodocuments. com/press/20081002_a. pdf Information about Hispanic Americans Retrieved Feburary15, 2009 from the following Web site (s): http://www. topuertorico. org/people. shtml http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cuban_American http://www. mexicanamericans. com
Saturday, November 9, 2019
10 Things I Hate About You & Taming of the Shrew: Appropriation Essay
The historical and cultural contexts of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew (TTS) and the 1999 film 10 Things I Hate About You (10TIH) differ exceptionally, resulting in the film’s expression of values unlike those expressed in Shakespeare’s original text. Shakespeare’s play was written during the Elizabethan era, during which the belief that men were superior to women was prevalent. This concept is centralised in TTS, through incorporation of a disputably misogynistic tone and the dominance of men consequently forcing Katherina into marriage and submission. In contrast, 10TIH, a modern film appropriation of TTS, largely challenges the values of Shakespeare’s play. It presents to its audience a high school love story appropriate to modern beliefs and sensibilities, emphasising the greater equality between genders and the power of women in the characterisation of the Stratford sisters and their interaction with their respective love interests and father. TTS reflects its 16th century European context in that its central theme is the dominance of men over women and society’s acceptance of it. See more: Foot Binding In China essay Whether Shakespeare intended to ridicule the misogyny and patriarchy of Elizabethan society is irrelevant; however, as his play is concerned with the two, it indicates that the social systems were firmly established. Katherina is forced into marriage that was agreed upon by Petruchio and her father, the governing force of their household. Her objections are nullified in the face of her lesser status as a woman and the authority her father and husband holds over her in age and gender. Dissimilarly, 10TIH is concerned with the power of women and youth. A modern film, it is directed towards a target audience of teenagers with modern views- which dramatically changed from the 1960s and onwards with the rise of feminism and youth. In this modern setting, Kat is able to exercise her non-conformist views freely. Though this isolates her from her peers, just as Katherina’s outspoken opinions isolate her, Kat is not oppressed as Katherina is. Kat is influenced by external factors that also contextualise the film’s setting; she mentions feminists Sylvia Plath and Charlotte Bronte, and is featured reading the former’s novel, Bell Jar, and the film applies ‘riot grrrl’ music ‘of the angry girl variety’, with lyrics such as ‘I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation’ to Kat in order to define her from the opening scene of the movie. That the film includes these elements of feminist material reflects its modern context of a society that is not unfamiliar with feminism. In this area it challenges the original text, where within the context of the Elizabethan era, Katherina’s rejection of her inferiority as a woman is unaccepted and repressed. As Hortensio mocks: ‘ ‘Mates’, maid? †¦No mates for you/Unless you were of gentler, milder mould’ (1. 1. 59-60), he manipulates Katherina’s reference to him as a ‘mate’- a crude man- to mean ‘husband’ in an attempt to silence her. Such repression- and that of Katherina at the hands of Petruchio- though exaggerated and outrageous, was acceptable and approved of in the context of Shakespeare’s play. Conversely, in the modern context of 10TIH, where there is greater equality between genders and greater liberty for children, similar repression would be unacceptable. These liberties are explored when Kat is able to ‘overpower’ her father in situations such as her attendance of Sarah Lawrence College. Here the film challenges the authority of Baptista, Walter’s model; where we see Baptista endorsing subjugation with no acceptance of objection within the Elizabethan context of TTS, Walter eventually recognises Kat’s will, acknowledging: ‘fathers don’t like to admit it when their daughters are capable of running their own lives’. The film does, however, in keeping with its modern context, suggest that the parent holds a degree of power of the children- a social role parallel to the Elizabethan context of TTS which contributes to Shakespeare’s rendering of Baptista as a domineering father. Nevertheless, Walter is unable to fully control his children’s love lives, with the film utilising his character as comic relief to convey this. In addition, the Stratford daughters ‘date’ rather than marry; these two factors are attributed to the film’s modern context where freedom of romance is valued. Such a value differs from the Elizabethan standard of having marital relationships set by the men involved- the husband, and the father. The concept of arranged martial relationships in TTS is atypical to the Elizabethan era, where dowries were also set, as seen in Baptista’s offer to Petruchio; ‘†¦half of my lands/And†¦twenty thousand crowns. ’ (2. I. 117-118). However, the social context of 10TIH sees the film expressing that the payment for wooing Kat is immoral- as opposed to a similar payment being expected by the husband in the context of TTS. This aspect of the historical and cultural context of the Elizabethan era is made clear in Petruchio’s enquiry of the dowry- ‘†¦if I get your daughter’s love, what dowry shall I have†¦? ’- as it is one of his first lines to Baptista, preceded only by his greeting. Similar to the manner in which it challenges Baptista’s authority, the film challenges Petruchio. Within the context of TTS, Petruchio’s ludicrous metaphoric objectifications of Katherina ‘she is my goods†¦my anything’ (3. 2. 118-220) are coupled with a firmer ‘I will be master of what is mine own’. Here he affirms that despite his constant jovial wordplay, he intends to assert his authority. 10TIH however, in keeping with its context of a society that values respect for women, features Patrick’s chivalry in the face of love. He does not assert a claim on Kat as Petruchio does on Katherina; and their love is confirmed at the end, whereas Petruchio and Katherina’s love is debatable. The disputability of their love lies in the final speech of Katherina. She utilises metaphor to express her acceptance of Petruchio’s dominance as her husband; ‘†¦thy husband is thy lord†¦thy sovereign’ (5. . 146-147). Her ‘taming’ reflects Elizabethan society; women that resisted male supremacy were- as was appropriate to the time- acceptably quashed. Approval followed in the words of Vincentio, a representative of society: ‘’Tis a good hearing. ’ (5. 2. 182). Kat’s taming, on the other hand, though also portrayed in good light, is based on the compromising between her and Patrick. They are two equal members in their relationship, unlike Petruchio’s dominance over Katherina after subjecting her to his taming methods and silencing her with his use of anguage. Language itself is an expression of the contexts of the two texts. The members of Shakespeare’s play use refined speech, and utilise wordplay to reflect their level of status and intelligence. The characters of 10TIH however, speak colloquially and swear, though their usage of wordplay carries similar connotations. Those that manipulate language- such as Kat and Patrick- are seen as intelligent and therefore ‘good’, whereas Joey ‘eat me’ Donner uses simpler language, projecting a poorer image of his character. This reflects the modern day context of the film; one of a society that respects and values intelligence. Furthermore, whilst characters such as Joey and Bowie Lowenstein are wealthy, they are portrayed as unattractive people, showing that the modern day society in which the film is set does not value wealth as the characters of TTS do within its context, as conveyed by Petruchio’s attraction to Katherina’s wealth as opposed to her person- which, in the Elizabethan era, was not inappropriate as it would be in the context of 10TIH. Overall, the storyline and themes of The Taming of the Shrew underwent a significant level of adaption for 10 Things I Hate About You. The four hundred years that spanned between the publication of Shakespeare’s play and the premiering of the film appropriation saw changes in social values regarding gender, status and youth that resulted in the film’s modifications of the original text, so as to be appropriate and entertaining to its 20th century teenage viewers; just as Shakespeare expressed the values of the Elizabethan era in order to be appropriate and entertaining to his audience.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Wait Until Dark Anaylsis essays
Wait Until Dark Anaylsis essays Part 1: Which subcatagory does this movie fit Out of the suspense thriller subcatagories I think this movie is a mixture of two; the psychotraumatic thriller and the thriller of moral confrontation. Although this movie doesn`t completely fit into one catagory, it is a definitive suspense thriller. The definition the book gives of psychotraumatic thriller is " a thriller organized around the pschotic effects of a trauma on a protoganist`s current involvement in a love affair and a crime or intrigue". The book goes on to say that the protagonist is "always a victim of some past trauma and often real villains take advantage of his or her masochistic guilt". Wait Until Dark fits the definition of the psychotraumatic thriller in many ways. Firstly, the main character, Susie, is newly blinded. She is married to Sam but isn`t sure if he is having an affair or not. Susie is also manipulated by real villains in the form of henchmen out to get a doll full of drugs that serendipitly landed in the hands of Sam. While Sam leaves Susie at home these villains enter the home using disguises and pretending to be a cast of different people in a plot to get the doll. These henchmen play on Susie`s lack of self confidence due to her blinding. This movie also fits equally as well into the definition of the moral confrontation thriller which is "organized around an overt antithetical confrontation between a character representing good or innocence and a character representing evil". Susie is clearly good. Her naieve character is eager to please and determined to prove her capability. The villians are evil, caught up in a world of murder, drugs and thievery (the exception being the character Mike Talman who tries to redeem himself at the end of the movie by attempting to save Susie). Some of the empasized dualities between good and evil in this movie is the clothing and the slang. Susie ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Letter from a Birmingham Jail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Essay Example He also supports his argument morally and politically. Morally, he believes that just laws are God’s laws while unjust laws ruin God’s law. Politically, he believes that just laws are not applied to everyone while unjust laws are applied which is unfair. In both arguments, King defined segregation as an unjust law. â€Å"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.†This is how King expresses his anger and disappointment. He wanted the Black Americans to stand up for their rights, to speak for their rights, equality, and harsh treatment. He criticizes the perception White people have about his thoughts and actions, how his peaceful non-violent movement becomes a violent movement according to them. King seems to throw light on the fact that most of the times the silence of good people leads to one’s repenting in future because if one might not speak for his/her own rights then no one is going to notice their grief and their emotions, He says ‘We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people†. This quote also seems to highlight the present conditions of King’s times when he got arrested for his parade without a permit during his non- violent protests against ‘unjust’ laws. He seems to be in favor of standing up for oneself and speaking for one’s rights. The quote also highlights the fact that if a person is silent and bears every ‘unjust’ act then it is the fault of the silence of those people that they allow such people to do injustice to them.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
OnTyme - professional personnel engaged in medicine, technical support Research Proposal
OnTyme - professional personnel engaged in medicine, technical support services or emergency services - Research Proposal Example To succeed, it needs to attract and retain a growing base of satisfied customers. Marketing is the tool to bring in customers to a business and has two important principles. All company policies and activities should be tailored towards customer needs and profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume. An appropriate marketing plan will aim at trying to get visibility for its existing brand of "OnTyme" watches as well as the new teenage brand of watches named "Wotch" it. It is common knowledge that no one product will satisfy all kinds of consumers. Therefore, information about the market is invaluable and timely relevant information needs to be obtained. It is impossible to sell products or services that customers do not want. Learning what customers want, and how to present it attractively, drives the need for marketing research. Market research will also demonstrate trends that may show the necessity to enhance an existing product or create a new one. Demographics, Population shifts, legislation passed, and the economic conditions of a market often determine the purchasing power of the buyer in the market place. Market research may also be employed to ascertain the value of a competitor's product and its associated value so that a comparative perceived value could be created for "OnTyme"s product as well. Most business owners ... Analyzing returned items, asking former customers for their feedback, and looking at competitor's prices are all examples of such research. Formal marketing research provides a framework to organize market information. Conducting survey of a sample population to determine their views on the "OnTyme" and competitor brands, Collecting primary data through mail surveys and email questionnaires Personal surveys in high traffic areas like malls, supermarkets etc Probability sampling that identifies who will be interested in purchase of wristwatches, the teen targeted "wotch" brand and the watch with the built in pager based on age, income and gender preferences. Identifying the target segment The target segment for the "OnTyme" might be adults purchasing a watch for their own use, buying it as a gift for someone else, for the "Wotch It" it would be the teenagers and youth, or adults purchasing it for the younger group as a gift. The watch with the built in pager may look at a different segment that is employed and needs to be on call and reachable at all times or parents of teenagers and youth, because the teenagers are now locatable, thanks to their pagers and is a great relief for the adults. Marketing Strategy Once a wider customer base is identified, "OnTyme" needs to formulate a marketing strategy to serve its customers better and align the product to the identified needs of the customer. Ideally, the strategy should address niche needs of the customer especially if there are gaps that need to be filled. This would ensure potential profitability. A good strategy helps a business focus on the target markets it can serve best. Target Marketing Target Marketing helps the concentration of the efforts in the key market
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