Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Bryan free essay sample
The Locos were an extreme group of the Democratic Party that existed from 1835 until the mid-asses. ;The group was initially named the Equal Rights Party, and was made in New York City as a dissent against that city standard Democratic association Tammany Hall. When all is said in done, Locos bolstered Andrew Jackson and Van Burden, and Were with the expectation of complimentary exchange, more prominent dissemination of specie, legitimate insurances for trade guilds and against paper cash, monetary hypothesis, and state banks. Specie Circular ; The Specie Circular, or Coinage Act, was an official request gave by U. S. President Andrew Jackson in 1836 and completed by succeeding President Martin Van Burden. ; The Act was a response to the developing worries about inordinate hypotheses of land after the Indian expulsion, which was for the most part finished with delicate money. Long Cabin crusade, Tippecanoe and Tyler as well, ND the appointment of 1840 Tippecanoe and Tyler too was an exceptionally mainstream and persuasive battle tune of the Whig Partys bright Log Cabin crusade in the 1840 United States presidential [->l]election. We will compose a custom exposition test on Bryan or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Its verses sang the gestures of recognition of Whig applicants William Henry Harrison (the saint of Tippecanoe) and John Tyler, while criticizing occupant Democrat Martin Van Burden. ; The United States presidential appointment of 1 840 saw President Martin Van Burden battle for re-appointment against a financial downturn and a Whig Party bound together just because behind war saint William Henry [->garrison and his log receptacle crusade. Second Great Awakening ; The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant recovery development during the mid 1 ninth century in the United States.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ch 3 Kidwell Free Essays
Part 3 THE RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA AND INTEREST RATES How is an expansion in the money rate prone to influence contract loan costs? Increments will be reported very quickly in factor rates. How is an expansion in the money rate liable to influence imports An expansion in the money rate may draw in an extra stream in of remote venture finances which will expand the AUD conversion standard. Outside products evaluated in a money against which the AUD has acknowledged will be less expensive in AUD terms and in this way the amount of the merchandise sold may will increment. We will compose a custom exposition test on Ch 3 Kidwell or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now How is an expansion in the money rate liable to influence the conversion scale? An expansion in the money rate may pull in an extra inflow of outside venture supports which will expand the AUD conversion scale (welcome the cash). 20. Will a drop in the money rate influence swelling? Clarify. Hypothetically it will. A drop in the money rate will animate acquiring, speculation and monetary movement. The expanded interest for assets will squeeze the costs of assets and may prompt expansion. Answers to in-part addresses 3. What is probably going to happen to the financial base when (a) Centrelink credits age benefits to pensioners’ ledgers? †increment in cash gracefully, (b) the RBA purchases government protections from Australian speculators and (c) banks raise assets by an abroad note issue? A †increment in cash gracefully B †increment in cash flexibly C †no change as though the installments are gotten in forex, at that point they trade the cash for AUD as of now in the cash gracefully. In the event that the installments are gotten in AUD, at that point different operators have just traded the forex for AUD. 3. For what reason do the budgetary markets give such a great amount of consideration to the money rate? The money rate mirrors the financial approach position and the impact the RBA is attempting to apply fair and square of monetary movement. It additionally significantly affects purchaser and business certainty, eagerness to contribute and spend and capacity to support their obligation. 3. 4 Describe the probable ramifications for GDP development when the RBA offers CGS to raise assets for the Commonwealth Government An offer of CGS will decrease the gracefully of cash in the economy every single other thing being equivalent. This will prompt expanded in loan fees as cash gracefully diminishes. Higher loan costs lessen the spending intensity of buyers and business. This outcomes in less spending, speculation and a general decrease in resource esteems as burning through fixes. Buyers and business are likewise liable to turn out to be progressively preservationist as rates increment. This would then restrain GDP development. It likewise should be consider for what reason the assets will be utilized and this may relieve the prohibitive financial arrangement position. The most effective method to refer to Ch 3 Kidwell, Papers
Monday, July 27, 2020
Trip Report IOI 2015 in Kazakhstan
Trip Report IOI 2015 in Kazakhstan Late last month, on July 25th, I boarded a Lufthansa flight from Boston to Frankfurt, and then Frankfurt to Almaty, the cultural and educational (but not political) capital of Kazakhstan, en route to the 27th International Olympiad in Informatics. The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is the worlds preeminent programming competition for high school students. Like its counterparts in math (IMO), physics (IPhO), chemistry (IChO), biology (IBO), linguistics (IOL), and other domains of science (ISOs), the IOI convenes delegations of students from all over the world to compete in a kind of academic olympics. At IOI 2015, 322 students from 83 countries competed to solve six hard problems; the top performers were awarded medals, and all contestants were generally fêted with great ceremony and circumstance. (Note: before I came to MIT, I did not know the ISOs existed. I had never known anyone to compete in any of them, or even participate in any of their qualifying competitions, like the AMC, which was not (to my knowledge) even offered at my high school, at least while I was there. Ive since learned, however, that many talented, smart students not only distinguish themselves through these programs, but also love them, and find communities of intellectual and social peers through them. Participation in the ISOs is neither a requirement nor expectation of applicants to MIT; most of our admitted students were not a part of the ISOs at all. However, they can be great experiences for the right sort of student, particularly one interested in individual math/science competitions. So if, like me ~10 years ago, this is the first youve heard of the ISOs, and you want to do smart nerdy things with smart nerdy people, you might want to check them out). While I was at IOI, I spoke to computer science educators, policymakers, and coaches from across the world; I also gave an information session about how and why students at IOI might consider applying to American colleges in general and MIT specifically, if they so choose. While I was there independently, for Anglophonic reasons I tagged along with the American delegation, including Andrew H. 19, who placed third in the world at IOI and will be arriving at MIT to start freshman orientation in a few weeks. After the competition was over, Andrew and I met up with other members of the Class of 2019 who were representing their country at IOI, including Rares B. 19 (Romania), Nur S. 19 (Bangladesh), Kliment S. 19 (Macedonia), and Mateus B. 19 (Brazil). I also got to visit Kazakhstan, which is a strange, beautiful country: an ancient crossroads of civilizations, waypoint along the silk road, ruled by Khans, then by the USSR, and today an independent, comparatively-wealthy, and rapidly-developing nation. Between matches, contestants and guests of the IOI attend excursions meant to introduce them to the culture and history of the host country: in this case including the Medeo stadium, Kok-Tobe Mountain, the Sunkar Falcon Station, and the Kazakh State Circus, where I was pulled into the center ring by an enthusiastic clown and made to perform humiliating acts before ~300 computer science prodigies and their whooping retinues. Fortunately, I have long practice and much experience at embarrassing myself in public, so this event played entirely to my strengths. I ate horse meat and strange sweets, heard the history of the Kazakh people in story and song, and went for long dawn runs along the Big Almaty River that cuts a canal through the center of the city. It was one of the most unforgettable trips I suspect Ill ever take. sunrise over Almaty a Jaume Plensa sculpture outside my hotel that resembles the its counterpart the Alchemist at MIT a pepsi ad along the street the steps of the medeo monuments of the medeo view from the tien-shan mountains (atop medeo) of Almaty and the steppes stretching beyond While in Almaty I also made some time to visit the local EducationUSA (EdUSA) office in American Corner. EdUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 400 international student advising centers in more than 170 countries that offers accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities for international students to study at accredited postsecondary institutions in America. I spoke to ~30 local Kazakh students (and some parents/teachers), interested in freshman, transfer, and graduate education and admissions at MIT, as well as American universities education and admissions more broadly. While we contain pretty comprehensive information for international students here on our website, if youre an international student interested in applying to American colleges generally I advise you to find your local EdUSA office and look through the resources they have there. One of the best things about my job is I get to travel to really cool places, at home and (now) abroad, to try to meet some of the best students in the world and help them make sense, not only of the MIT Admissions process, but also of themselves, and how they can best develop as scholars, but more importantly as people. Sometimes that means MIT, sometimes it means another university, and sometimes it means something else entirely. Everyone has to find their path me included. Last month, mine took me Almaty; I am grateful for the opportunity, and for the hospitality I was shown. I dont know where I will go next. All I can do all anyone can do is try to put themselves in new, occasionally uncomfortable, situations, and try to take what you can from them. Thats probably one of the lasting lessons Ive learned at MIT, and one Ive come to be the most thankful for.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about William Blakes The Tyger - 850 Words
William Blakes The Tyger In â€Å"The Tyger,†William Blake uses meter and rhyme to enhance both the meaning and the rhythm of his piece. The chanting nature is reinforced by frequent end-stop and catalectic endings for the lines. By melding these devices, Blake has managed to create a powerful poem – hidden in the casual style of a nursery rhyme. The meter of â€Å"The Tyger†is mostly trochaic tetrameter (four feet per line; stressed-unstressed). Or trochaic three-and-a-half meter, really – Blake uses a catalectic ending (the dropping of the last unstressed syllable) on every trochaic line. This, along with the insertion of several iambic tetrameter lines, allows every end syllable to be stressed – thus forming a forceful beat to†¦show more content†¦(God, as it’s implied.) Each time the iambic tetrameter is used, Blake seems to ask a pointed question to the tiger about God – in nearly every stanza. (Thus giving more weight to different lines and breaking up the rhythm a little.) In fact, out of six stanzas, only two completely adhere to trochaic tetrameter throughout: the second and the fourth. These stanzas bring forward the idea of a divine blacksmith, using words and phrases such as â€Å"burnt the fire,†â€Å"anvil,†and â€Å"furnace,†among othe rs. The steady background meter mimics the blacksmith’s clanging hammer, while the iambic variations draw attention to the direct questions about God. As for Blake’s use of enjambment, end-stop, and caesuras – mostly, they simply reinforce what the meter has created. Most of the lines are end-stopped, forcing the reader to pause briefly, and putting more emphasis on the end of the line. This, again, forms a semi-chanting style, and makes his questions seem all the more pointed. The enjambments don’t seem to have a pattern, save that they almost always (the first line of the beginning and last stanzas being the exception) occur in the middle of a question. The caesuras, on the other hand, do an excellent job of drawing the reader in on the first line, and breaking up the rhythm throughout the poem – particularly in the fourth stanza, where the meter is straight trochee. But enough said about the mechanics – what about the words? Blake’s imageryShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blakes The Tyger1115 Words  | 5 PagesJacob Lopez Period: 2 English 4 The Tyger Analysis It was said once that â€Å"Who wants flowers when you’re dead? Nobody.†Many times our own misconception can lead us to different perspectives and different point of views that cause a disunity between our ways of thinking. However nothing can be further than the truth and staying true to yourself. As for William Blake this is the exact concept efforted in his poem â€Å"The Tyger†as he introduces the concept of life’s creation and questioning the creatorRead MoreOpposition in William Blakes The Lamb and the Tyger689 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Opposition in William Blakes The Lamb and The Tyger William Blakes Songs of Innocence and Experience contain some of his most known poems including The Lamb from Songs of Innocence and The Tyger from Songs of Experience. These two poems are intended to reflect contrasting views of religion, innocence, and creation, with The Tyger examining the intrinsic relationship between good and evil. Blake utilizes contrasting images and symbols to examine opposing perspectives of good and evilRead MoreNature And Symbolism In William Blakes The Tyger1371 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Blake’s The Tyger has been broken down and put under a microscope by countless authors that all think they know precisely what Blake meant in his work. Only Blake knows what he is trying to create and in The Tyger he makes it clear that Nature always contains a reflection of its creator. This still leaves the question, who created the tiger? It is unclear if Blake was a spiritually driven man but the word â€Å"immortal†stands out as a key word giving the readers a hint towards God being theRead More Comparing William Blakes The Tyger and The Lamb Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesComparing William Blakes â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Lamb†William Blake is referred to as many things, including poet, engraver, painter and mystic, but he is probably most famous for his poetry. Blake began writing the poems below in about 1790 whilst living in Lambeth, London. His poetry has a wide range of styles but his most famous poems are those from â€Å"Songs of Innocence†and Song of Experience†. The two sets of poems are designed to show different states or ways of seeing. They are BlakesRead MoreEssay Imagery And Symbolism in William Blake’s The Tyger693 Words  | 3 PagesImagery And Symbolism in William Blake’s The Tyger â€Å"Can you give to the horse mightyness? Can you clothe its neck with a rustling mane? Can you cause it to leap like a locust?†(Job 39:19-20) William Blake’s The Tyger is reminiscent of when God questioned Job rhetorically about his creations, many of them being fearsome beasts such as the leviathan or the behemoth. Much like this speech from the old testament, The Tyger also uses a significant amount of imagery and symbolism which contributesRead MoreThe Contrasting World Views in William Blake’s â€Å"the Lamb†and â€Å"the Tyger†941 Words  | 4 PagesThe Contrasting World Views in William Blake’s â€Å"The Lamb†and â€Å"The Tyger†A person’s view of the world is very situational, depending on their life experiences and their religious beliefs. William Blake examines two different world views in the poems â€Å"The Lamb,†and â€Å"The Tyger.†These poems were written as a pairing which were shown in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience respectively. While the first poem deals with a view of the world as innocent and beautiful, the other suggestsRead MoreContemplating Gods Creation in William Blakes The Lamb and The Tyger1205 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake was born and raised in London from 1757 to 1827. Throughout his early years, Blake experienced many strange and unusual visions, claiming to have seen â€Å"angels and ghostly monks†(Moore). For those reasons, William Blake decided to write about mystical beings and Gods. Two examples of the poet expressing his point of view are seen in â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Lamb.†Both poems demon strate how the world is and to sharpen one’s perception. People perceive the world in their own outlook, oftenRead MorePoem Analysis of William Blakes The Tyger682 Words  | 3 PagesPoem: The Tiger, William Blake (1757-1827) TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What theRead MoreWilliam Blake s The Tyger1132 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake’s â€Å"The Tyger†and Tragedies William Blake wrote a set of poems in his collection Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Some of the poems in each collection were meant to be read together to show the difference between innocence and experience. Many people question why Blake wrote a two part series to his poems and what they could actually mean. Two specific poems, â€Å"The Lamb†and â€Å"The Tyger,†were meant to be read together. â€Å"The Lamb†is a part of Blake’s Songs of Innocence andRead MoreWilliam Blake s The Lamb And The Tyger873 Words  | 4 Pagesbiblical times. William Blake describes the young sheep in similar characteristics in the poem â€Å"The Lamb†and â€Å"The Tyger†. A tiger as we know its characteristics to be is fierce and mysterious. Always lurking around, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. In William Blake’s two separate poems he ties each of the poems together with in-depth understanding and symbolism. Both ani mals play an important part in both of Blake’s poems. The use of the lamb in William Blake’s poem is significant
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Othello, By William Shakespeare - 980 Words
Othello is the perfect example that you can’t believe everything you see or hear in life, also that constant self-doubt can push one to the brink of insanity. It is always important to consider your source of information, can the information source be trusted? In the case of Othello, Iago has poured information into his ear that holds no truth or worth. Iago states that, â€Å"I’ll pour this pestilence into his ear†(II.III.330). â€Å"The Moor already changes with my poison†(III.III.329–336). Despite the obvious fact that Iago is not being truthful to Othello, he believes Iago and his word. Iago ensures him of that, â€Å"My Lord, you know I’m your friend†(III.III.6). Othello responds with, â€Å"I think you are. And I know you’re full of love and honesty, and you think carefully before you speak†(III.III.6). Othello believes the false accusations that Iago has poured into him. Iago is so sore at Othello that he chose him over Cassio to be his lieutenant. Iago felt he should have been the one chosen to fulfill the duties of the position. Iago has a plan to cast revenge on Othello and will see to it that he carries it out no matter the cost or lives lost. Iago is portrayed as the evil character in the play, or the villain so to speak. Iago uses many people to his advantage to fulfill his plan of revenge on Othello without them even knowing what he is doing. Iago is so disappointed with Othello for not choosing him to be his lieutenant that he is consumed with envy and rage to ruin everyShow MoreRelatedOthello, By William Shakespeare957 Words  | 4 Pagesinnocent person kills himself while not knowing the truth. The best example of that would be the play Othello by the great William Shakespeare. As little as a handkerchief could make a difference if it is a symbol for something. In the play Othello by Shakespeare, handkerchief is first introduced by Othello to his beautiful mistress, Desdemona, as a sign of their love. At the end of the play what gets Othello to take extreme measures by the location of the handkerchief. As the symbol of the handkerchiefRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1599 Words  | 7 Pages William Shakespeare’s 16th century play Othello is a duplicitous and fraudulent tale set alternatingly between Venice in act 1, and the island of Cyprus thereafter. The play follows the scandalous marriage between protagonist Othello, a Christian moore and the general of the army of Venice, and Desdemona, a respected and intelligent woman who also happens to be the daughter of the Venetian Senator Brabantio. Shakespeare undoubtedly positions the marriage to be viewed as heroic and noble, despiteRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1218 Words  | 5 PagesIn a historical time period where emphasis was shifting from religion to race and ethnicity, key indicators of differences that perpetuated into racial prejudice and racial ideologies are evident in Othello by William Shakespeare. Although racism was not fully formed at this moment in history, Othello can be interpreted as a representation and an exploration of this shift in ideology. In the past, before this change to ward racial differences, religion was the major segretory factor in signifyingRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare894 Words  | 4 Pagesthose that which occurred in Othello written by William Shakespeare. Throughout the play Othello, we see the struggles of a marriage that is not accepted by their society. Othello is a extremely cherished black general living in a primarily white community. The play begins with Othello secretly becoming married to a white woman named Desdemona. This reasons others who are white to become angry and excuse to dislike this black man further more than they already do. Othello is a downward spiral from loveRead MoreOthello by William Shakespeare790 Words  | 3 PagesThroughout Othello by William Shakespeare, Othello makes numerous poor decisions due to his jealousy. Hitting Desdemona, trusting Iago, and killing Desdemona are among a few of the poor decisions that he makes. The word jealous can be defined as feeling or showing suspicion of som eones unfaithfulness in a relationship. Othello feels suspicious of Desdemona’s and Cassio’s relationship because of the lies that Iago tells him. Many people try to tell Othello the truth but he only believes the wordsRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1923 Words  | 8 Pagesdissatisfaction or complication is shown. Firstly in Othello love is presented as ephemeral and transient while atonement love is presented as unrequited and finally in cat on a hot tin roof love is presented as painful and troublesome due to unreciprocated feelings. The tragic plot of Othello hinges on the potential of the villain, Iago, to deceive other characters, above all Roderigo and Othello, through encouraging them to misinterpret what they see. Othello is prone to Iago s ploys seeing that he himselfRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare941 Words  | 4 Pageswas Williams Shakespeare’s play Othello which depicts the tragedy of Othello, a Morris Captain. What is different about Shakespeare play is that the tragic hero is the black Othello and the villain a white Iago. Therefore, Shakespeare depiction of Othello as a tragic character and Iago as a villain, challenges Elizabethan’s stereotypes regarding individuals of African descent. Shakespeare challenges the stereotypical â€Å"type –casting of the black man†in Elizabethan society by depicting Othello asRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1152 Words  | 5 Pages‘Othello’ was a tragedy of incomprehension at the deepest level of human dealings as no one in the play came to an understanding of himself or any of the surrounding characters. The play ‘Othello’ by William Shakespeare focused on tragedy through the anguish of the main character ‘Othello’ which lead to the suffering and death of numerous characters including himself. Appearance Vs. Reality challenged human dealings within the play ‘Othello’ as no-one came to see anyone’s true self and no-one seesRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1178 Words  | 5 Pagesprofitable in condition of good and immorality. Othello is presented as good and Iago as evil, but Iago and Othello’s relationship also shares a distrust of their wives. The overall logical argument is based on love, jealousy and betrayal between two lovers that ultimately leads to their separation because of Iago’s evil plan. I am using this article to agree with Berry s view on how Iago separates two lovers just so he can take retaliation on Othello by manipulating everyone to unmasking their trueRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1825 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s plays transcends time and is renowned for their captivating plots and complex characters. Othello by William Shakespeare is a tragedy play that portrays major themes such as racism, manipulation, and jealousy just to name a few. Throughout the whole play, these themes are represented through the conniving character from the play, Iago. Out of all the plays Shakespeare has written, Iago is believed to be the most complex villain of all times. During the play, Othello, a black
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Motivationed and Social Adjustment Free Essays
41 B. Ed. ELECTIVE COURSE IV GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student- teachers will be able to To recall the principles underlying guidance To recognize the need of guidance and counselling in schools To describe the different services in the school guidance programme To acquire the skills necessary to administer and interpret standardized tools To know the qualities required for a good counsellor UNIT-I Guidance Guidance- Meaning, Definitions, Aims, Nature, Principles and Needs. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivationed and Social Adjustment or any similar topic only for you Order Now TypesEducational, Vocational, Personal, Social- Relationship between guidance and Counselling – Benefits- Limitations UNIT-II Counselling Counselling– Meaning, Definitions, Elements-Characteristics – Objectives – Need – Types: Directive Counselling, Non-Directive Counselling, Eclectic Counselling – Meaning, Characteristics, Steps, Advantages, Limitations – Difference between Counselling and Guidance. UNIT-III Guidance Movement in India History of guidance movement in India – Problems of guidance movement in India – Ways to improve guidance movement in India. UNIT-IV Qualities of a Counsellor Counsellor – Qualities – Functions- Professional Ethics- Difference between Counsellor and Teacher. UNIT-V Group Guidance and Group Counselling Group guidance – Meaning, Definition, Objectives, Problems, Significance – Techniques, Uses. Group counselling – Meaning, Requirements – Uses. 42 UNIT – VI Theories of Vocational Choice Theories of Vocational Choice – Ginzberg, Super, Holland, Havighurst, Structural theory UNIT –VII Non –Testing Devices in Guidance Non-testing devices in guidance: Observation – Cumulative record, Anecdotal record, Case study, Autobiography, Rating Scale, Sociometry etc. UNIT-VIII Testing Devices in Guidance Testing devices in guidance-Meaning, Definition, Measurement, Uses of psychological tests: Intelligence tests – Aptitude tests- Personality InventoriesAttitude scales – Achievement tests – Creativity tests -Mental health – frustrationconflict. UNIT- IX Guidance Services in Schools Guidance services at different school levels–Meaning, Significance, Types – Organisation of Guidance services in schools – Role of guidance personnel – Career and Occupational Information – sources, gathering, filing, dissemination- Career Corner- Career Conference. UNIT X Guidance for Exceptional Children Guidance for Exceptional Children- Meaning and Types. Guidance for gifted, backward, mentally retarded, orthopaedically handicapped, visually impaired, deaf and dumb, juvenile delinquents. SUGGESTED REFERENCE BOOKS: Chauhan, S. S. (2008). Principles and techniques of guidance. UP: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Sharma, R. N. (2008). Vocational guidance counseling. Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Jones, A. J. (2008). Principles of guidance. (5 ed). Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Crow, L. D. , Crow, A. (2008). An introduction to guidance. Delhi: Surjeet Publications. 43 : ! †# : Sharma, R. A. (2008). Career information in career guidance. Meerut: R. Lall Books Depot. Meenakshisundaram, A. (2006). Experimental psychology. Dindigul: Kavyamala Publishers. Meenakshisundaram, A. (2005). Guidance and counseling. Dindigul: Kavyamala Publishers. Qureshi, H. (2004). Educational guidance. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Bhatnagar, R. P. , Seema, R. (2003). Guidance and counselling in education and psychology. Meerut: R. Lal Book Depot. Vashist S. R. (Ed. ). (2002). Principles of guidance. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Sharma, R. N. (1999). Guidance and counseling. Delhi: Surjeet Publishers. Sodhi, T. S. , Suri, S. P. (1997). Publication. Aggarwal, J. C. (1991). Educational, vocational guidance and counseling. New Delhi: Doabai House. Sharma, N. R. (1989). Educational and vocational guidance. Agra: Vinod Pustak Mandir. Kochhar, S. K. (1984). Guidance and counseling in colleges and universities. New Delhi: Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Indu, D. (1983). The basic essentials of counseling. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Madhusudan, M. (1983). Educational and vocational guidance. Sambalpur: Saha Publishers Distributors. Anne, A. (1982). Psychological testing. New York: McMillan Company. Chauhan, S. S. (1982). Principles and techniques of guidance. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Rao, N. S. (1981). Counseling psychology. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Kochhar, S. K. (1979). Guidance in indian education. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Guidance and counseling. Patiala: Bawa 44 Gaur, J. S. , Saraswat, R. K. (1978). Occupational literature: An annotated bibliography. New Delhi: NCERT. James, C. H. (1978). Counselling process and procedures. New York: McMillan Co. Pasricha, P. (1976). Guidance and counselling in indian education. New Delhi: NCERT. Cirtes. (1974). Handbook on vocational guidance. New Delhi: Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation,Govt. of India. Tolbert, E. L. (1974). Counselling for career development. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Patterson, C. H. (1973). Theories of counselling and psycho-therapy. New York: Harper and Row. Sinha, S. N. (1973). Dynamics of vocational behaviour. Jaipur: Asia Publishing House. Nanda, S. K. , Sagar, S. (1972). Fundamentals of guidance. Chandigarh: N. B. S. Educational Publishers. Barclay, J. R. (1971). Foundations of counselling strategies. London: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Brewer, J. M. (1971). Education as guidance. New York: McGraw Hill. How to cite Motivationed and Social Adjustment, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Island By Gary Paulsen Essays - WIL, , Term Papers
The Island by Gary Paulsen The book I read was The Island by Gary Paulsen. It is about a 15 year old boy named Wil Neuton who moves with his family to northern Wisconsin. There he finds an island on Sucker Lake where he stays to learn about himself. Wil likes riding his bike early in the morning. He also likes watching nature. He is very tall for his age-6 feet 2-but well-built and strong. He is honest,cares about others and prefers to talk things through than resort to violence. The title is good because the book is very much about the island and about Wil finding himself on this island. The island also becomes a very prominent point in Wil's life. By comparison and observation, he learns that all things are connected. An interesting minor character is Emil Aucht. On the morning of his first day in Pinewood Wil wakes up to find Emil staring at him through the window. Emil is an old man with one tooth, no hair and ears that stick out. He chews tobacco and spits brown gunk all over the place. He first appears in the story to request that Wil help him get his car out of the mud. Then Emil reappears to fix the plumbing,wrecking Wil's parents' nerves in the process. The atmosphere in the story is that of a small hick town in northern Wisconsin:open,friendly,relaxed and very laid-back. It strikes me as being very much like "cottage country" in northern Ontario:lakes,forest,fishing,small town life. The time is the late 1980's. The novel ends with Wil seeing that his father is watching him from shore. Wil rows over and finds that his father is tired and sad,his eyes rimmed with red from crying. Wil invites his father over to the island and realizes that this saga will only end when Wil finds an island big enough for his whole family so they can learn what he has learned. I feel that the most interesting part of the book is the beginning of each chapter where there is a paragraph by Wil himself about life and other important pieces of trivia. It offers insight into Wil's personality and gives his views on many subjects. In conclusion,I think this is a good book for people my age. It stresses the importance of knowing who you are and of saving the environment. I enjoyed it and it really made me think.
Friday, March 20, 2020
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION A NECESSARY POLICY TO PREVENT DISCRIMINATION AND INEQUITIES OR A DISCRIMINATIVE AND INEQUITABLE POLCY INTRODUCTION essays A NECESSARY POLICY TO PREVENT DISCRIMINATION AND INEQUITIES A DISCRIMINATIVE AND INEQUITABLE POLCY Historically, there have been arguments about what Affirmative Action (AA) really is. The basis of the argument for the most part, debates the goal(s) of AA. Is the goal of AA to erase past inequities for the disabled, minorities and/or women without protest? Or is Affirmative Action a culture or spirit that rewards diversity and differences? Basically there are two definitions or schools of thought for AA. The first school of thought is that AA is an umbrella term for laws and policies that the United States Executive, Judicial, and legislative bodies have mandated. Specifically, AA is a series of social policies and statutes that regulate activities and laws with the primary intent to achieve equity and increase opportunity for all. The second school of though is that AA is an umbrella term defining a broader set of activities whereby public and private institutions voluntarily incorporate practices and polices to increase diversity, opportunity and equity. Under this school of thought, AA is in spirit and an institutional policy. The intent of this paper is to address the serious and profound arguments of both schools of thought. In addition, this paper will address issues relative to determining whether or not AA is necessary instrument for the demise of discrimination and the formation of justice and whether or not AA needs to be maintained, modified or terminated. A. A Brief History of AA in the United States of American Contrary to popular belief, the concept of AA actually began prior to the executive order signed by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. The concept of AA began upon the signing of Amendment XIII of the Constitution. 1. The Late 19the and Early 20th Century America began to deal with the inequities and lack of justice for mean of African decent in the 1800s. In my opinion, the initial an...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Students Rights in Private School
Students Rights in Private School The rights which you enjoyed as a student in public school are not necessarily the same when you attend private school. Thats because everything pertaining to your stay at private school, especially boarding school, is governed by something called contract law. This is important to understand especially when it comes to infractions of the discipline rules or code of conduct. Lets look at the facts about students rights in private school. Fact: Students Rights in Private Schools Are Not the Same as Those in the Public School Systems The Center for Public Education notes: The hurdles erected by the U. S. Constitutions Fourth and Fifth Amendments are exclusive to the nations public schools. Private K-12 institutions have far more leeway to conduct unfettered investigations, withhold findings if they choose, and unceremoniously ask a student or faculty member to leave. Tuition and employment contracts rule private school relationships, while Americas social compact and legal contract (the Constitution) governs how public officials must act. In Loco Parentis U.S. Constitution.net weighs in on the subject of In Loco Parentis, a Latin phrase meaning literally in place of parents: As private institutions, private schools are not subject to any restrictions in terms of violations of the rights of students. Hence, while a public school might have to prove that its violations are for a higher purpose or stem from its in loco parentis responsibilities, a private school may set limits arbitrarily. What Does This Mean for Private School Students? Basically, it means that if you go to a private school, you are not covered by the same laws as you were when you attended public school. Private schools are covered by something called contract law. It means that schools have the right, and obligation, to act as legal guardians for students to ensure their wellbeing. Practically speaking, that also means youd better follow the rules, particularly the ones which have serious penalties for any infraction. Participating in activities like hazing, cheating, sexual misconduct, substance abuse and so on, will land you in serious trouble. Mess with these and you will find yourself suspended or expelled. You dont want those kinds of entries on your school record when it comes time to apply to college. What Are Your Rights? How can you find out what your rights are at your private school? Start with your student handbook. You signed a document indicating that you had read the handbook, understood it and would abide by it. Your parents also signed a similar document. Those documents are legal contracts. They spell out the rules which govern your relationship with your school. Freedom of Choice Remember: if you dont like the school or its rules, you do not have to attend it. Thats another reason why it is so important for you to find the school which is the best fit for your needs and requirements. Accountability The net effect of contract law as it pertains to students is that it makes students accountable for their actions. For example, if you are caught smoking pot on campus and the school has a zero-tolerance policy regarding smoking pot, you will be in a lot of trouble. You will be held accountable for your actions. The review and consequences will be swift and final. If you were in public school, you could claim protection under your constitutional rights. The process typically is lengthy and might include appeals. Making students accountable teaches them an important lesson in living. Making students accountable also creates safe schools and a climate conducive to learning. If you will be held accountable for bullying or intimidating a classmate, you probably arent going to take the chance of doing it and getting caught. The consequences are too severe. Since every student in a private school is governed by contract law and the provisions in the contract between you, your parents and the school, take time to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations. If you dont understand something, ask your faculty adviser for an explanation. Disclaimer: Be sure to review any legal questions and issues with an attorney. Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Sunday, February 16, 2020
SUMMARY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
SUMMARY - Essay Example Alternatively a light meal on a fasting day may make this approach more viable. During Ramadan Muslims desist from eating between dawn and dusk. An assessment was conducted and its aim was to scrutinize the effects of fasting on behavioral and physiological variables in healthy subjects (Rocky, et al., .2004). It was noted that Ramadan fasting did not have any impact on the metabolism of proteins, lipids or carbohydrates. Some studies have however shown that this kind of fasting affects the circadian supply of body temperature, melatonin, glycemia, and cortisol. Occurrences of road accidents are high during this period a factor that can be attributed to Biological and behavioral changes common during Ramadan. Rocky et al., (2004) conducted a study, on the effect of alternative fasting on aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance in judo athletes, continuing their usual training. The results that obtained showed that the fasting had a small impact on aerobic performance. It was also observed that experienced athletes can preserve enough energy and train normal during the fasting period. Kumar & Kaur (2013) conducted a research on how dietary restriction negatively affected reproduction. The study was intended to explore the effects of negative energy occasioned by intermittent fasting on young female and male rats. It was noted that, changes in body weight, testeron and blood glucose showed the negative role of diet restriction on the reproduction of this animals. It was concluded that the fasting regimen negatively impacts reproduction in young animals, and this was also able to explain the basis of nutritional infertility. It was also noted that women who fail to eat enough food to match their energy expenditure often develop clinical cases of anorexia nervosa. Monica, et al., (2012) conducted a research to determine the level at which weight loss can be boosted if alternate fasting is combined with calorie restriction. The study examined the effects
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Analysis of Management base off of the book Who Moved My Cheese by Essay
Analysis of Management base off of the book Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson - Essay Example Changes are unique and specific depending on the diversity of the workplaces; however, they display some degree of similarity with regard to how they are implemented. For any firm to run, it has to undergo some changes. The changes may be both internal and external, and they occur along its life line aimed at various reasons of prosperity. As a result, the necessities for the changes are numerous. Firstly, internal change assists in maximizing the opportunities presented by the proposed change. This is achievable and is usually guided by the laid down procedure that presents the innovation. Also, it helps identify and overcome impediments that overburden a given enterprise which directly brings down the outcome for which the organization is set. Change could also be done to minimize the disruption to programs and services. This is especially where there is no clear definition of roles in a workplace. In most cases, this leads to the duplication of duties; hence, inefficiency in servi ce delivery (Mayle & Salman, 2009). External changes usually arise from the authorities, and they do not necessarily aim at improving the conditions at the work place. However, these changes have to be dealt with to ensure a good working environment. When these changes come about, it is the duty of the management to know how to deal with them. The management is, therefore, involved in various ways with this regard. This is because it has to ensure that it balances the changes being introduced and the interests of the people executing them (Spencer, 1998). Hence, its role is double edged; first to ensure that the change is executed as well as solve any dispute or resistance arising from the given change. The management of these changes can only be successful if the manager applies appropriate managerial styles. The management’s first mandate is overseeing of the enactment of changes and using various management styles. Furthermore, management styles evolve with time; hence, th ey can be classified as old and new. However, they all serve the purpose intended. The first approach is organizational development (OD). This is an approach which recognizes the reality of post-modern organization. This internal change approach enhances the separation of roles brought about by the intended change; hence, increased efficiency (Mayle & Salman, 2009). The Integrated Strategic Approach (ISC) as another method. This is change management method where participation is encouraged. This is such that all employees are involved in the analysis, planning and implementation process. Therefore, this means that they work together towards creating shared ownership, as well as improving coordination and integration of all work stations. This change .management approach fits well because it faces less resilience since it creates an environment where every worker feels as part of the system (Beerel, 2009). Trans-organizational development (TD) is another approach which is emerging. T his approach has been brought about by the realization that everything is interdependent and organizations are part of a bigger system. TD is a form of planned change that enables organizations to collaborate with each other in resource and risk sharing. This is especially in cases of external changes that cut across various organizations. Spencer (1998) suggests that organizations should approach change less
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Us and china political system
Us and china political system Difference between United States of America Political System and China Introduction United States of Americas Background The United States of America is a composition of 48 states that makes the country; United States. The United States of America is located on North America between Canada and Mexico. The United States also has control over a number of islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific. The United States in the third largest nation in the world behind Russia and Canada. It has an area of 9,629,091 square kilometers. It shares its boarders with Mexico, Canada, the Atlantic Ocean the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The capital city of USA is Washington D.C, located on the east coast almost midway between Florida and Maine. Its largest city is New York followed by Los Angels and Chicago. By July 2000 the population of USA was estimated to be 275, 562, 673 people. It has one of the most diverse populations in the world (Encyclopedia of Nations: United States 1). Peoples Republic of Chinas Background China is located in the east of Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, on the southeastern part of Eurasian continent, bordering the East China Sea, the Korean Bay, South China Sea, and the Yellow Sea. Its in between the Vietnam and the northern Korea. The bordering countries include: Bhutan, Afghanistan, Burma, India, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Laos, Russia, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Tajikistan. The size of the country is 9,596,960 square kilometers being the fourth largest country behind, Russia, Canada and United States. It is divided into 22 provinces, 2 special administration regions (Hong Kong and Macau), 4 municipalities, and 5 autonomous regions. The capital city of China is Beijing; a cultural and educational center for China. The population of china was 1,262 Million by July 2000. It has a population of 56 ethnic groups. It became a communist nation in 1949 (Encyclopedia of Nations: China 1). United States Presidency: The United States of America happen to be among the youngest countries in the world nevertheless having the worlds oldest constitution as well as political wisdom of its founding fathers. The American government functions fairly well within the framework of the constitution. The constitution manages to command a great degree of loyalty from the nations general public. One of the single most distinctive features of the national government in the USA is the presidency in which the president is popularly elected. The United States presidency has two basic components: in the first place its a reflection of those people who have held the president office as well as the precedent they have established. In this presidency the authority of the government is divided and limited. Many of the things that the president can do depend on the cooperation of the congress and the approval Supreme Court. He is also limited because there are many other things that he can not do. He has no control over the decisions and procedures of the congress, the Supreme Court or the fifty states (Encyclopedia of Nations: USA 1). The president is the head of the state: the ceremonial head of the government. He grants pardon, holds states dinners and receives ambassadors. He is the chief executive of the country. He has the executive powers, hence takes care of the law of the country. He preparers the countrys annual budget and set rules for civil service. He has the power of appointing and removing and has to oversee the good running of the administration. The president is the chief diplomat, though the foreign relation is divided among the three organs of government: Congress, President, and the Senate that approves treaties. There is also the secretary of state who is directly a subject to the presidency and can hold the presidency office at pleasure. The president is the commander in chief of the armed forces. He makes all the major decisions of strategy and mobilizes the economy fort optimum production. He can appoint and discharge all makers of policies in the defense department. The president serves for a term of four years and can not serve for more than two terms (Encyclopedia of Nations: USA 1). China The political system of China has been operational since its establishment for 50 years. In that period there has been ruins of buildings as well as joy of victories, rapid advance in success as well as pride, tortuous ordeals and lesions from mistakes done as well as deep reflections (Encyclopedia of Nations: China 1). Chinas Presidency The chairman to the Peoples Republic of China is identified as the countrys important component of living in the summit which is the countrys highest state organ. The president is the head of the state. The presidency is accorded to an individual on the cases of the persons maturity, and extensive experience. At home and abroad he enjoys higher reputation as well as prestige of serving. The presidency is limited to age. The president serves for a term of five years and is limited to two consecutive terms. The president has a right to issue orders, issue amnesty, declare war, appoint and remove members of the state council, appointment and removal of the Premier of the state council, and the Vice Premier, the heads of all the ministries and commissions, the State Councilors, the Secretary General and the Audit General. These officers serves odder from the state. The president heads the external states affairs, abrogates, and ratifies concluded foreign treaties and meets the foreign en voys according to the decision of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee (SINA Corporation 1). Administration United States: The Congress The congress has the responsibility of making laws. It is nationally agreed that the choice of the congress is the choice of the people, and the choices ultimately are made that laws of the land. The congress is bicameral which is made of the house of representative with 435 members and a senate with a100 members two from each state. The representatives serves for two years as the senators serves for six years (SINA Corporation 1). State Departments The Peoples Republic of China is stipulated in the constitution as belonging to the people all the rights. The people have the mandate to exercise state powers as the organ of the National Peoples Congress (NPC). NPC is the highest organ of China authority. The state authorities organize the s the executive body. The executive has the role of implementing the laws and the constitution and ensuring the enforcement of both. The NPC decides who is to take the premiership, the vice premier, the state councilor and all the other candidates. The NPC has the power to remove the Premier of the State Council as well as the state departments. The NPC examines and approves the plans and the budget that has been prepared by the states council (SINA Corporation 1). Other differences The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. The people congresses have a responsibility of exercising the state power in a unified way and they create all the governments courts. The Chinese deputies come from all the ethnic groups to ensure equitable distribution unlike in the US where they come from sections (Xinhua 1). Conclusion The United States is a presidential, federal republic. It is administered under a two party system even though this is not stipulated in the constitution. The president is independent of the legislature. The judicial power is exercised by the judiciary in which the Supreme Court fall and the other lower federal courts. The judiciary interprets U.S constitution, and also resolves disputes between the executive and the legislature. The U.S politics are dominated by two parties: the republican and the Democratic Party. On the other hand the Chinese political system is run on the basis of the system of peoples congress. It has an organizational form for the state power. The NPC is the highest authority of the States power while the congresses are the local authorities. Both of the authorities are people elected. The head of the state is the head of the peoples republic of China. He has duties of handling the domestic issues as well as some foreign responsibilities. The civil servants hav e the responsibility of instigating power on the administrative organ as well as execution of the laws and public services. The areas that heavily populated with the ethnic minorities are managed by self government under the national leadership. The administrative status of these areas is determined by their location and their population. In some case there are established some special administrative regions are demarcated where need be. These laws are enacted by the NPC. The political system has the chief executive, the administrative organ, the legislature and the judicial organ (SINA Corporation, 2009) Works cited Encyclopedia of the Nations: Peoples Republic of China. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/economies/Asia-and-the-Pacific/China.html Encyclopedia of the Nations: United States of America. Politics, Government and Taxation. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/economies/Americas/United-States-of-America-POLITICS-GOVERNMENT-AND-TAXATION.html SINA Cooperation: On Differences of Political System between China and America 2007. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4acaf2d701000ase.html Xinhua. Backgrounder: Essential differences between Chinese, Western political system. 2009. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90776/90785/6610207.html
Friday, January 17, 2020
Research on alcoholic beverages Essay
In this research document I am going to discuss a couple of things concerning the packaging and marketing of alcoholic beverages, then I am going to discuss the target audience of the alcohol industry. there are many rules concerning the packaging and marketing of alcohol in South-Africa, this is due to the fact that we have a lot of car accidents and acts of violence connected to the consumption as evident in the Gauteng liquor policy. According to euromonitor.com the biggest trend at this stage in South Africa is Sustainability not only among manufactures but also among consumers more and more people are becoming more environmentally aware, and this leads to innovation of packaging solutions for the future. Another notable thing that is mentioned on euromonitor. com is that there is more detailed segmentation of international and locally produced products are being applied , stimulating our economic growth in the local alcohol industry. According to ttb. gov the only requirements for the packaging of alcohol in south africa is that it should include the name of the product where it was made and special instructions and warnings and as far as the rest of my research shows it is also a requirement to state on the product that it is not for sale to persons under the age of 18 accept for that there seems to be little constraints concerning the packaging of alcohol. Packaging of products that we produce in south africa sometimes has to relate to international standards due to the fact that we want to export our products but when it comes to advertising alcoholic drinks in south africa there is a couple of things I have to mention. According to the Gauteng liquor policy advertising alcohol increases the amount of alcohol consumed this is a hot debate at this current moment as there are people contesting against the current laws (Gauteng liquor policy, (2011) [pdf]. This shows that the rules regarding advertisement of alcoholic beverages will increase with time, keeping that in mind can be useful in the future regarding the marketing plans that companies that produce alcoholic beverages set up for the future. According to an article – the cost of harmful alcohol abuse in South-Africa; harmful alcohol use is very high in south africa and its stated that it is one of the main risk factors for poor health in South-Africa (http://www. ara. co. za) The target audience for alcoholic beverages is all people that are older than 18 due to law restrictions, the majority of adult do consume alcohol and thus the target audience is quite big the income level of the consumers of alcohol is very diverse but when it comes to specialized products like craft beer for instance the market is much more directed at the upper class, where there is cheaper alternatives for lower income classes. The target audience of alcohol is dependent on the personality of the brand due to the fact that consumers relate to brands and make their choices according to how they would like to portray themselves amongst other individuals. According to Craig Berman the people that drink the most are young men and he also states that men tend to drink more than woman, this is why so manny of the existing companies directly target younger men. (C. Berman 2012 chron . com) Sports fans are also a great target for the alcohol industry due to the fact that men and woman enjoy drinking whilst being entertained by sporting events. The alcohol industry is known for advertising by sponsoring sporting events sport teams and so forth, and in some cases the fans of sponsored teams are just as big fans of the alcohol brand that sponsors their team. So in conclusion the Target audience for alcohol is quite a wide group of individuals but mostly consists out of younger men aged between 18 and 49 and sports fans are also a big hit , the regulations in south africa concerning he packaging is not too strict but one still has to comply to some rules concerning warnings and so forth, the market is very specific and very segmented into various target audiences and lastly the biggest trend in South-Africa’s alcohol industry is focusing on sustainability . Reference list Craig Berman http://smallbusiness. chron. com/largest-target-markets-alcohol-advertising-66914. html http://www. ttb. gov/itd/southafrica. shtml http://www. euromonitor. com/alcoholic-drinks-packaging-in-south-africa/report http://www. ara. co. za/industry-tips/code-of-conduct http://www. ara. co. za/uploads/ban-on-alcohol-advertising/economic-impact-of-an-adban_econometrix_ara_chapter3. pdf.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Ethics And Standards For Professional Psychology - 1264 Words
The Ethics Behind a Spiritual and Religious Use in a Therapeutic Setting Ophelia Lee Kaplan University Ethics and Standards for Professional Psychology Professor Peter Lenz May 4, 2015 This paper addresses the complexity of spirituality and religion in a therapeutic setting. This paper includes examples and information regarding upholding the Ethics Code while using religion and spiritual reasoning in psychology. It addresses the issues of a multi-faith setting, information and research on omitting religion and spirituality as well as the importance of maintaining a bias view of any and all religious and spiritual values. This paper also identifies the benefits reported when using Secular and Theistic therapy. Religion and Spirituality is best used in therapy when â€Å"Psychologists are aware of and respect cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status and consider these factors when working with members of such groups.†( APA, 2002, p. 4)†(Plante, Four Steps to Improve Religious/ Spiritual Cultural Competence in Professional Psychology / REFLECTIONS, 2014, pp. 288-292) Religion and Spiritual concepts are more frequently being used in therapeutic settings. Previously these concepts were isolated, or left unspoken. To maintain the integrity of the patient and clientsShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics And Integrity Of Two Research Articles1139 Words  | 5 Pageswill analyze the ethics and integrity of two research articles. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A Life Worthy Of The Calling God - 1077 Words
What is your main focus in life? Think about it for just a moment. Is it money? Your job? Friends? School? Or maybe living up to the world’s standards? Your main focus in life should be striving to live a life worthy of the calling God has given you. No matter who you are, God has a calling and a purpose for your life and wants you to live your life for Him. Realizing the worth of the call is the first step in living out God’s calling for our lives. In Ephesians 4:1-2 it says, â€Å"As a prisoner of the Lord, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.†Here Paul shows us how high God’s calling is for us. God has chosen us to live lives that are pure and blameless in His sight†¦.lives that will bring glory to His name. We have to grasp that God has called us to be His own children. That alone is more than we deserve. What more could we wan t then to be offered the position of being a child of God? We are saved by grace through salvation and God accepts us for who we are. In response, we should live lives worthy of the calling that comes along with being a child of God. In our everyday lives we need to walk in holiness. Ephesians 1:4 tells us this: â€Å"For He has chosen us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.†Isn’t it amazing that God chose us, even before the creation of the world, to be His holy children to carry outShow MoreRelatedThe Truth Of The Bible1725 Words  | 7 Pagestruth is the Bible. On the other hand, God is an infinite God, and if he chooses any other means for you to find truth, you will find it, weather if it is through dreams or through other Scriptures. However, God can choose to reveal himself outside of Christianity. I have heard that throughout the Muslim faith several have come to know Jesus through their own scripture, the Qura n. In addition, others have begun to believe in Jesus through dreams. Perhaps, God can choose any means to reveal himselfRead MoreThe Call Into Ministry, And If It Was God Calling?860 Words  | 4 PagesBut what if the choice wasn’t so simple? What if the caller ID was different? What if it was God calling? Would you make the choice to answer the call then? A call into ministry is a once in a life time opportunity! But what exactly does that opportunity constitute or consist of? How do you know if you are called into ministry, and if you are called, are you called into a specific vocation that you feel God gifted you in? Before you can answer any of these questions, you must first pick up the phoneRead MoreThe Biblical Images And Metaphors863 Words  | 4 Pagesmanner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentles, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bon d of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of calling; one lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over and through all and in all. This is the biblical image of unity in the Body of Christ. When the new Family of God is identifiedRead MoreThe Human Assumption, By Stephen Luiz, King Of The Campus Essay946 Words  | 4 Pagesto us.†Stephen Luiz, King of the campus The book of Hebrew 12- 1-2, starts by encouraging the readers to look at the life testimonies of great leaders from the bible, how they were able to achieve success and greatness through humility and total surrender to Gods will. None of them became victories as the result of their own power and might, but we see the grace of God. Their life style pleased the lord and so he makes them champions over their challenges. Also, the book instructs believers to dropRead MoreDiscipleship : The Overarching Purpose Of The Christian Discipleship1631 Words  | 7 Pagessubmission of particular areas of one’s life will be outlined. Finally, the three stages of discipleship according to Dave Earley and Rod Dempsy will be delineated and expanded upon. Centrality of Christ When Jesus is our central focus, a person’s vision will have the tendency to become clearer. Jesus did particular things in precise ways. If one will take the time to examine those actions, personal discipleship can truly come alive in a person’s life. There is nothing more important than usingRead MoreJesus For As Long As I1556 Words  | 7 PagesI grew up in Taranaki and Wanganui, and I have known Jesus for as long as I can remember. At the age of 7, on Sunday the 3rd of September 2003, I gave my heart to God, and became a Junior Soldier of The Salvation Army Wanganui City Corps. Throughout my childhood I saw the hand of God in many places. My Mum and Dad and been hospitalised a number of times while we were growing up for number of reasons, and yet both Mum and Dad were strong in their faith. As a family we attended the Wanganui City CorpsRead MoreI Am Joseph Smith, But You May Call Me1510 Words  | 7 PagesHampshire. Religion was stressed and encouraged in m y household, and my parent’s devotion and love for God was what inspired me to grow and strengthen in my faith to seek Him and the divine truth. My parents and brothers, especially, encouraged me during my prophet calling. My older brother, Alvin, was very dear and supportive in the contemplation of my success, and Brother Samuel embraced God and got baptized after me and Oliver. Him and Hyrum soon afterwards became a witness to my book and sawRead MoreThe Protestant Ethic by Max Weber815 Words  | 3 Pagesconnection between economic life, rational self-organisation and salvation are bought to life by Max Weber in the Protestant Ethic. This paper will showcase the way in which these terms are related to one another and it will explore this connection by drawing on what Weber refers to as the â€Å"spirit of capitalism†. Let us begin by understanding the starting point of Weber’s concerns for economic life. It appears that Weber’s interest is concerned with the development of modern life, more particularly withRead MoreThe Belief Of Religion And Religion1256 Words  | 6 Pageshumanity believing in a one-god system, the traits of a higher power had been established. The first premise of which is God having unlimited power, or omnipotence. God holds no bounds, and all things are possible under his will. Second, God must be omniscient, or all knowing, as all his actions are with full consideration of every variable. Lastly, it is determined that God must be benevolent, acting only for the good of all of his subjects. An individual can only be called God if he holds every traitRead MoreExecutive Director1448 Words  | 6 PagesWork of the Holy Spirit how it may link to my Personal and Business Life Chuck Johnson BB202 Sir Mark Gibbs Montreat College Work of the Holy Spirit After Jesus completed His ministry here on earth, He ascended into heaven with a promise of sending a Helper. While on earth, Jesus required His followers and disciples to believe in Him and most importantly follow Him. In John 3:13
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