Saturday, January 25, 2020
Us and china political system
Us and china political system Difference between United States of America Political System and China Introduction United States of Americas Background The United States of America is a composition of 48 states that makes the country; United States. The United States of America is located on North America between Canada and Mexico. The United States also has control over a number of islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific. The United States in the third largest nation in the world behind Russia and Canada. It has an area of 9,629,091 square kilometers. It shares its boarders with Mexico, Canada, the Atlantic Ocean the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The capital city of USA is Washington D.C, located on the east coast almost midway between Florida and Maine. Its largest city is New York followed by Los Angels and Chicago. By July 2000 the population of USA was estimated to be 275, 562, 673 people. It has one of the most diverse populations in the world (Encyclopedia of Nations: United States 1). Peoples Republic of Chinas Background China is located in the east of Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, on the southeastern part of Eurasian continent, bordering the East China Sea, the Korean Bay, South China Sea, and the Yellow Sea. Its in between the Vietnam and the northern Korea. The bordering countries include: Bhutan, Afghanistan, Burma, India, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Laos, Russia, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Tajikistan. The size of the country is 9,596,960 square kilometers being the fourth largest country behind, Russia, Canada and United States. It is divided into 22 provinces, 2 special administration regions (Hong Kong and Macau), 4 municipalities, and 5 autonomous regions. The capital city of China is Beijing; a cultural and educational center for China. The population of china was 1,262 Million by July 2000. It has a population of 56 ethnic groups. It became a communist nation in 1949 (Encyclopedia of Nations: China 1). United States Presidency: The United States of America happen to be among the youngest countries in the world nevertheless having the worlds oldest constitution as well as political wisdom of its founding fathers. The American government functions fairly well within the framework of the constitution. The constitution manages to command a great degree of loyalty from the nations general public. One of the single most distinctive features of the national government in the USA is the presidency in which the president is popularly elected. The United States presidency has two basic components: in the first place its a reflection of those people who have held the president office as well as the precedent they have established. In this presidency the authority of the government is divided and limited. Many of the things that the president can do depend on the cooperation of the congress and the approval Supreme Court. He is also limited because there are many other things that he can not do. He has no control over the decisions and procedures of the congress, the Supreme Court or the fifty states (Encyclopedia of Nations: USA 1). The president is the head of the state: the ceremonial head of the government. He grants pardon, holds states dinners and receives ambassadors. He is the chief executive of the country. He has the executive powers, hence takes care of the law of the country. He preparers the countrys annual budget and set rules for civil service. He has the power of appointing and removing and has to oversee the good running of the administration. The president is the chief diplomat, though the foreign relation is divided among the three organs of government: Congress, President, and the Senate that approves treaties. There is also the secretary of state who is directly a subject to the presidency and can hold the presidency office at pleasure. The president is the commander in chief of the armed forces. He makes all the major decisions of strategy and mobilizes the economy fort optimum production. He can appoint and discharge all makers of policies in the defense department. The president serves for a term of four years and can not serve for more than two terms (Encyclopedia of Nations: USA 1). China The political system of China has been operational since its establishment for 50 years. In that period there has been ruins of buildings as well as joy of victories, rapid advance in success as well as pride, tortuous ordeals and lesions from mistakes done as well as deep reflections (Encyclopedia of Nations: China 1). Chinas Presidency The chairman to the Peoples Republic of China is identified as the countrys important component of living in the summit which is the countrys highest state organ. The president is the head of the state. The presidency is accorded to an individual on the cases of the persons maturity, and extensive experience. At home and abroad he enjoys higher reputation as well as prestige of serving. The presidency is limited to age. The president serves for a term of five years and is limited to two consecutive terms. The president has a right to issue orders, issue amnesty, declare war, appoint and remove members of the state council, appointment and removal of the Premier of the state council, and the Vice Premier, the heads of all the ministries and commissions, the State Councilors, the Secretary General and the Audit General. These officers serves odder from the state. The president heads the external states affairs, abrogates, and ratifies concluded foreign treaties and meets the foreign en voys according to the decision of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee (SINA Corporation 1). Administration United States: The Congress The congress has the responsibility of making laws. It is nationally agreed that the choice of the congress is the choice of the people, and the choices ultimately are made that laws of the land. The congress is bicameral which is made of the house of representative with 435 members and a senate with a100 members two from each state. The representatives serves for two years as the senators serves for six years (SINA Corporation 1). State Departments The Peoples Republic of China is stipulated in the constitution as belonging to the people all the rights. The people have the mandate to exercise state powers as the organ of the National Peoples Congress (NPC). NPC is the highest organ of China authority. The state authorities organize the s the executive body. The executive has the role of implementing the laws and the constitution and ensuring the enforcement of both. The NPC decides who is to take the premiership, the vice premier, the state councilor and all the other candidates. The NPC has the power to remove the Premier of the State Council as well as the state departments. The NPC examines and approves the plans and the budget that has been prepared by the states council (SINA Corporation 1). Other differences The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. The people congresses have a responsibility of exercising the state power in a unified way and they create all the governments courts. The Chinese deputies come from all the ethnic groups to ensure equitable distribution unlike in the US where they come from sections (Xinhua 1). Conclusion The United States is a presidential, federal republic. It is administered under a two party system even though this is not stipulated in the constitution. The president is independent of the legislature. The judicial power is exercised by the judiciary in which the Supreme Court fall and the other lower federal courts. The judiciary interprets U.S constitution, and also resolves disputes between the executive and the legislature. The U.S politics are dominated by two parties: the republican and the Democratic Party. On the other hand the Chinese political system is run on the basis of the system of peoples congress. It has an organizational form for the state power. The NPC is the highest authority of the States power while the congresses are the local authorities. Both of the authorities are people elected. The head of the state is the head of the peoples republic of China. He has duties of handling the domestic issues as well as some foreign responsibilities. The civil servants hav e the responsibility of instigating power on the administrative organ as well as execution of the laws and public services. The areas that heavily populated with the ethnic minorities are managed by self government under the national leadership. The administrative status of these areas is determined by their location and their population. In some case there are established some special administrative regions are demarcated where need be. These laws are enacted by the NPC. The political system has the chief executive, the administrative organ, the legislature and the judicial organ (SINA Corporation, 2009) Works cited Encyclopedia of the Nations: Peoples Republic of China. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: Encyclopedia of the Nations: United States of America. Politics, Government and Taxation. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: SINA Cooperation: On Differences of Political System between China and America 2007. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from: Xinhua. Backgrounder: Essential differences between Chinese, Western political system. 2009. Retrieved on December 2, 2010 from:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Research on alcoholic beverages Essay
In this research document I am going to discuss a couple of things concerning the packaging and marketing of alcoholic beverages, then I am going to discuss the target audience of the alcohol industry. there are many rules concerning the packaging and marketing of alcohol in South-Africa, this is due to the fact that we have a lot of car accidents and acts of violence connected to the consumption as evident in the Gauteng liquor policy. According to the biggest trend at this stage in South Africa is Sustainability not only among manufactures but also among consumers more and more people are becoming more environmentally aware, and this leads to innovation of packaging solutions for the future. Another notable thing that is mentioned on euromonitor. com is that there is more detailed segmentation of international and locally produced products are being applied , stimulating our economic growth in the local alcohol industry. According to ttb. gov the only requirements for the packaging of alcohol in south africa is that it should include the name of the product where it was made and special instructions and warnings and as far as the rest of my research shows it is also a requirement to state on the product that it is not for sale to persons under the age of 18 accept for that there seems to be little constraints concerning the packaging of alcohol. Packaging of products that we produce in south africa sometimes has to relate to international standards due to the fact that we want to export our products but when it comes to advertising alcoholic drinks in south africa there is a couple of things I have to mention. According to the Gauteng liquor policy advertising alcohol increases the amount of alcohol consumed this is a hot debate at this current moment as there are people contesting against the current laws (Gauteng liquor policy, (2011) [pdf]. This shows that the rules regarding advertisement of alcoholic beverages will increase with time, keeping that in mind can be useful in the future regarding the marketing plans that companies that produce alcoholic beverages set up for the future. According to an article – the cost of harmful alcohol abuse in South-Africa; harmful alcohol use is very high in south africa and its stated that it is one of the main risk factors for poor health in South-Africa (http://www. ara. co. za) The target audience for alcoholic beverages is all people that are older than 18 due to law restrictions, the majority of adult do consume alcohol and thus the target audience is quite big the income level of the consumers of alcohol is very diverse but when it comes to specialized products like craft beer for instance the market is much more directed at the upper class, where there is cheaper alternatives for lower income classes. The target audience of alcohol is dependent on the personality of the brand due to the fact that consumers relate to brands and make their choices according to how they would like to portray themselves amongst other individuals. According to Craig Berman the people that drink the most are young men and he also states that men tend to drink more than woman, this is why so manny of the existing companies directly target younger men. (C. Berman 2012 chron . com) Sports fans are also a great target for the alcohol industry due to the fact that men and woman enjoy drinking whilst being entertained by sporting events. The alcohol industry is known for advertising by sponsoring sporting events sport teams and so forth, and in some cases the fans of sponsored teams are just as big fans of the alcohol brand that sponsors their team. So in conclusion the Target audience for alcohol is quite a wide group of individuals but mostly consists out of younger men aged between 18 and 49 and sports fans are also a big hit , the regulations in south africa concerning he packaging is not too strict but one still has to comply to some rules concerning warnings and so forth, the market is very specific and very segmented into various target audiences and lastly the biggest trend in South-Africa’s alcohol industry is focusing on sustainability . Reference list Craig Berman http://smallbusiness. chron. com/largest-target-markets-alcohol-advertising-66914. html http://www. ttb. gov/itd/southafrica. shtml http://www. euromonitor. com/alcoholic-drinks-packaging-in-south-africa/report http://www. ara. co. za/industry-tips/code-of-conduct http://www. ara. co. za/uploads/ban-on-alcohol-advertising/economic-impact-of-an-adban_econometrix_ara_chapter3. pdf.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Ethics And Standards For Professional Psychology - 1264 Words
The Ethics Behind a Spiritual and Religious Use in a Therapeutic Setting Ophelia Lee Kaplan University Ethics and Standards for Professional Psychology Professor Peter Lenz May 4, 2015 This paper addresses the complexity of spirituality and religion in a therapeutic setting. This paper includes examples and information regarding upholding the Ethics Code while using religion and spiritual reasoning in psychology. It addresses the issues of a multi-faith setting, information and research on omitting religion and spirituality as well as the importance of maintaining a bias view of any and all religious and spiritual values. This paper also identifies the benefits reported when using Secular and Theistic therapy. Religion and Spirituality is best used in therapy when â€Å"Psychologists are aware of and respect cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status and consider these factors when working with members of such groups.†( APA, 2002, p. 4)†(Plante, Four Steps to Improve Religious/ Spiritual Cultural Competence in Professional Psychology / REFLECTIONS, 2014, pp. 288-292) Religion and Spiritual concepts are more frequently being used in therapeutic settings. Previously these concepts were isolated, or left unspoken. To maintain the integrity of the patient and clientsShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics And Integrity Of Two Research Articles1139 Words  | 5 Pageswill analyze the ethics and integrity of two research articles. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A Life Worthy Of The Calling God - 1077 Words
What is your main focus in life? Think about it for just a moment. Is it money? Your job? Friends? School? Or maybe living up to the world’s standards? Your main focus in life should be striving to live a life worthy of the calling God has given you. No matter who you are, God has a calling and a purpose for your life and wants you to live your life for Him. Realizing the worth of the call is the first step in living out God’s calling for our lives. In Ephesians 4:1-2 it says, â€Å"As a prisoner of the Lord, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.†Here Paul shows us how high God’s calling is for us. God has chosen us to live lives that are pure and blameless in His sight†¦.lives that will bring glory to His name. We have to grasp that God has called us to be His own children. That alone is more than we deserve. What more could we wan t then to be offered the position of being a child of God? We are saved by grace through salvation and God accepts us for who we are. In response, we should live lives worthy of the calling that comes along with being a child of God. In our everyday lives we need to walk in holiness. Ephesians 1:4 tells us this: â€Å"For He has chosen us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.†Isn’t it amazing that God chose us, even before the creation of the world, to be His holy children to carry outShow MoreRelatedThe Truth Of The Bible1725 Words  | 7 Pagestruth is the Bible. On the other hand, God is an infinite God, and if he chooses any other means for you to find truth, you will find it, weather if it is through dreams or through other Scriptures. However, God can choose to reveal himself outside of Christianity. I have heard that throughout the Muslim faith several have come to know Jesus through their own scripture, the Qura n. 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