Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about William Blakes The Tyger - 850 Words
William Blakes The Tyger In â€Å"The Tyger,†William Blake uses meter and rhyme to enhance both the meaning and the rhythm of his piece. The chanting nature is reinforced by frequent end-stop and catalectic endings for the lines. By melding these devices, Blake has managed to create a powerful poem – hidden in the casual style of a nursery rhyme. The meter of â€Å"The Tyger†is mostly trochaic tetrameter (four feet per line; stressed-unstressed). Or trochaic three-and-a-half meter, really – Blake uses a catalectic ending (the dropping of the last unstressed syllable) on every trochaic line. This, along with the insertion of several iambic tetrameter lines, allows every end syllable to be stressed – thus forming a forceful beat to†¦show more content†¦(God, as it’s implied.) Each time the iambic tetrameter is used, Blake seems to ask a pointed question to the tiger about God – in nearly every stanza. (Thus giving more weight to different lines and breaking up the rhythm a little.) In fact, out of six stanzas, only two completely adhere to trochaic tetrameter throughout: the second and the fourth. These stanzas bring forward the idea of a divine blacksmith, using words and phrases such as â€Å"burnt the fire,†â€Å"anvil,†and â€Å"furnace,†among othe rs. The steady background meter mimics the blacksmith’s clanging hammer, while the iambic variations draw attention to the direct questions about God. As for Blake’s use of enjambment, end-stop, and caesuras – mostly, they simply reinforce what the meter has created. Most of the lines are end-stopped, forcing the reader to pause briefly, and putting more emphasis on the end of the line. This, again, forms a semi-chanting style, and makes his questions seem all the more pointed. The enjambments don’t seem to have a pattern, save that they almost always (the first line of the beginning and last stanzas being the exception) occur in the middle of a question. The caesuras, on the other hand, do an excellent job of drawing the reader in on the first line, and breaking up the rhythm throughout the poem – particularly in the fourth stanza, where the meter is straight trochee. But enough said about the mechanics – what about the words? Blake’s imageryShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blakes The Tyger1115 Words  | 5 PagesJacob Lopez Period: 2 English 4 The Tyger Analysis It was said once that â€Å"Who wants flowers when you’re dead? Nobody.†Many times our own misconception can lead us to different perspectives and different point of views that cause a disunity between our ways of thinking. However nothing can be further than the truth and staying true to yourself. As for William Blake this is the exact concept efforted in his poem â€Å"The Tyger†as he introduces the concept of life’s creation and questioning the creatorRead MoreOpposition in William Blakes The Lamb and the Tyger689 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Opposition in William Blakes The Lamb and The Tyger William Blakes Songs of Innocence and Experience contain some of his most known poems including The Lamb from Songs of Innocence and The Tyger from Songs of Experience. These two poems are intended to reflect contrasting views of religion, innocence, and creation, with The Tyger examining the intrinsic relationship between good and evil. Blake utilizes contrasting images and symbols to examine opposing perspectives of good and evilRead MoreNature And Symbolism In William Blakes The Tyger1371 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Blake’s The Tyger has been broken down and put under a microscope by countless authors that all think they know precisely what Blake meant in his work. Only Blake knows what he is trying to create and in The Tyger he makes it clear that Nature always contains a reflection of its creator. This still leaves the question, who created the tiger? It is unclear if Blake was a spiritually driven man but the word â€Å"immortal†stands out as a key word giving the readers a hint towards God being theRead More Comparing William Blakes The Tyger and The Lamb Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesComparing William Blakes â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Lamb†William Blake is referred to as many things, including poet, engraver, painter and mystic, but he is probably most famous for his poetry. Blake began writing the poems below in about 1790 whilst living in Lambeth, London. His poetry has a wide range of styles but his most famous poems are those from â€Å"Songs of Innocence†and Song of Experience†. The two sets of poems are designed to show different states or ways of seeing. 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William Blake examines two different world views in the poems â€Å"The Lamb,†and â€Å"The Tyger.†These poems were written as a pairing which were shown in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience respectively. While the first poem deals with a view of the world as innocent and beautiful, the other suggestsRead MoreContemplating Gods Creation in William Blakes The Lamb and The Tyger1205 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake was born and raised in London from 1757 to 1827. Throughout his early years, Blake experienced many strange and unusual visions, claiming to have seen â€Å"angels and ghostly monks†(Moore). For those reasons, William Blake decided to write about mystical beings and Gods. Two examples of the poet expressing his point of view are seen in â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Lamb.†Both poems demon strate how the world is and to sharpen one’s perception. People perceive the world in their own outlook, oftenRead MorePoem Analysis of William Blakes The Tyger682 Words  | 3 PagesPoem: The Tiger, William Blake (1757-1827) TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What theRead MoreWilliam Blake s The Tyger1132 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake’s â€Å"The Tyger†and Tragedies William Blake wrote a set of poems in his collection Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Some of the poems in each collection were meant to be read together to show the difference between innocence and experience. Many people question why Blake wrote a two part series to his poems and what they could actually mean. Two specific poems, â€Å"The Lamb†and â€Å"The Tyger,†were meant to be read together. â€Å"The Lamb†is a part of Blake’s Songs of Innocence andRead MoreWilliam Blake s The Lamb And The Tyger873 Words  | 4 Pagesbiblical times. William Blake describes the young sheep in similar characteristics in the poem â€Å"The Lamb†and â€Å"The Tyger†. A tiger as we know its characteristics to be is fierce and mysterious. Always lurking around, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. In William Blake’s two separate poems he ties each of the poems together with in-depth understanding and symbolism. Both ani mals play an important part in both of Blake’s poems. The use of the lamb in William Blake’s poem is significant
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Othello, By William Shakespeare - 980 Words
Othello is the perfect example that you can’t believe everything you see or hear in life, also that constant self-doubt can push one to the brink of insanity. It is always important to consider your source of information, can the information source be trusted? In the case of Othello, Iago has poured information into his ear that holds no truth or worth. Iago states that, â€Å"I’ll pour this pestilence into his ear†(II.III.330). â€Å"The Moor already changes with my poison†(III.III.329–336). Despite the obvious fact that Iago is not being truthful to Othello, he believes Iago and his word. Iago ensures him of that, â€Å"My Lord, you know I’m your friend†(III.III.6). Othello responds with, â€Å"I think you are. And I know you’re full of love and honesty, and you think carefully before you speak†(III.III.6). Othello believes the false accusations that Iago has poured into him. Iago is so sore at Othello that he chose him over Cassio to be his lieutenant. Iago felt he should have been the one chosen to fulfill the duties of the position. Iago has a plan to cast revenge on Othello and will see to it that he carries it out no matter the cost or lives lost. Iago is portrayed as the evil character in the play, or the villain so to speak. Iago uses many people to his advantage to fulfill his plan of revenge on Othello without them even knowing what he is doing. Iago is so disappointed with Othello for not choosing him to be his lieutenant that he is consumed with envy and rage to ruin everyShow MoreRelatedOthello, By William Shakespeare957 Words  | 4 Pagesinnocent person kills himself while not knowing the truth. The best example of that would be the play Othello by the great William Shakespeare. As little as a handkerchief could make a difference if it is a symbol for something. In the play Othello by Shakespeare, handkerchief is first introduced by Othello to his beautiful mistress, Desdemona, as a sign of their love. At the end of the play what gets Othello to take extreme measures by the location of the handkerchief. As the symbol of the handkerchiefRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1599 Words  | 7 Pages William Shakespeare’s 16th century play Othello is a duplicitous and fraudulent tale set alternatingly between Venice in act 1, and the island of Cyprus thereafter. The play follows the scandalous marriage between protagonist Othello, a Christian moore and the general of the army of Venice, and Desdemona, a respected and intelligent woman who also happens to be the daughter of the Venetian Senator Brabantio. Shakespeare undoubtedly positions the marriage to be viewed as heroic and noble, despiteRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1218 Words  | 5 PagesIn a historical time period where emphasis was shifting from religion to race and ethnicity, key indicators of differences that perpetuated into racial prejudice and racial ideologies are evident in Othello by William Shakespeare. Although racism was not fully formed at this moment in history, Othello can be interpreted as a representation and an exploration of this shift in ideology. In the past, before this change to ward racial differences, religion was the major segretory factor in signifyingRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare894 Words  | 4 Pagesthose that which occurred in Othello written by William Shakespeare. Throughout the play Othello, we see the struggles of a marriage that is not accepted by their society. Othello is a extremely cherished black general living in a primarily white community. The play begins with Othello secretly becoming married to a white woman named Desdemona. This reasons others who are white to become angry and excuse to dislike this black man further more than they already do. Othello is a downward spiral from loveRead MoreOthello by William Shakespeare790 Words  | 3 PagesThroughout Othello by William Shakespeare, Othello makes numerous poor decisions due to his jealousy. Hitting Desdemona, trusting Iago, and killing Desdemona are among a few of the poor decisions that he makes. The word jealous can be defined as feeling or showing suspicion of som eones unfaithfulness in a relationship. Othello feels suspicious of Desdemona’s and Cassio’s relationship because of the lies that Iago tells him. Many people try to tell Othello the truth but he only believes the wordsRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1923 Words  | 8 Pagesdissatisfaction or complication is shown. Firstly in Othello love is presented as ephemeral and transient while atonement love is presented as unrequited and finally in cat on a hot tin roof love is presented as painful and troublesome due to unreciprocated feelings. The tragic plot of Othello hinges on the potential of the villain, Iago, to deceive other characters, above all Roderigo and Othello, through encouraging them to misinterpret what they see. Othello is prone to Iago s ploys seeing that he himselfRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare941 Words  | 4 Pageswas Williams Shakespeare’s play Othello which depicts the tragedy of Othello, a Morris Captain. What is different about Shakespeare play is that the tragic hero is the black Othello and the villain a white Iago. Therefore, Shakespeare depiction of Othello as a tragic character and Iago as a villain, challenges Elizabethan’s stereotypes regarding individuals of African descent. Shakespeare challenges the stereotypical â€Å"type –casting of the black man†in Elizabethan society by depicting Othello asRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1152 Words  | 5 Pages‘Othello’ was a tragedy of incomprehension at the deepest level of human dealings as no one in the play came to an understanding of himself or any of the surrounding characters. The play ‘Othello’ by William Shakespeare focused on tragedy through the anguish of the main character ‘Othello’ which lead to the suffering and death of numerous characters including himself. Appearance Vs. Reality challenged human dealings within the play ‘Othello’ as no-one came to see anyone’s true self and no-one seesRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1178 Words  | 5 Pagesprofitable in condition of good and immorality. Othello is presented as good and Iago as evil, but Iago and Othello’s relationship also shares a distrust of their wives. The overall logical argument is based on love, jealousy and betrayal between two lovers that ultimately leads to their separation because of Iago’s evil plan. I am using this article to agree with Berry s view on how Iago separates two lovers just so he can take retaliation on Othello by manipulating everyone to unmasking their trueRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1825 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s plays transcends time and is renowned for their captivating plots and complex characters. Othello by William Shakespeare is a tragedy play that portrays major themes such as racism, manipulation, and jealousy just to name a few. Throughout the whole play, these themes are represented through the conniving character from the play, Iago. Out of all the plays Shakespeare has written, Iago is believed to be the most complex villain of all times. During the play, Othello, a black
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Motivationed and Social Adjustment Free Essays
41 B. Ed. ELECTIVE COURSE IV GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student- teachers will be able to To recall the principles underlying guidance To recognize the need of guidance and counselling in schools To describe the different services in the school guidance programme To acquire the skills necessary to administer and interpret standardized tools To know the qualities required for a good counsellor UNIT-I Guidance Guidance- Meaning, Definitions, Aims, Nature, Principles and Needs. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivationed and Social Adjustment or any similar topic only for you Order Now TypesEducational, Vocational, Personal, Social- Relationship between guidance and Counselling – Benefits- Limitations UNIT-II Counselling Counselling– Meaning, Definitions, Elements-Characteristics – Objectives – Need – Types: Directive Counselling, Non-Directive Counselling, Eclectic Counselling – Meaning, Characteristics, Steps, Advantages, Limitations – Difference between Counselling and Guidance. UNIT-III Guidance Movement in India History of guidance movement in India – Problems of guidance movement in India – Ways to improve guidance movement in India. UNIT-IV Qualities of a Counsellor Counsellor – Qualities – Functions- Professional Ethics- Difference between Counsellor and Teacher. UNIT-V Group Guidance and Group Counselling Group guidance – Meaning, Definition, Objectives, Problems, Significance – Techniques, Uses. Group counselling – Meaning, Requirements – Uses. 42 UNIT – VI Theories of Vocational Choice Theories of Vocational Choice – Ginzberg, Super, Holland, Havighurst, Structural theory UNIT –VII Non –Testing Devices in Guidance Non-testing devices in guidance: Observation – Cumulative record, Anecdotal record, Case study, Autobiography, Rating Scale, Sociometry etc. UNIT-VIII Testing Devices in Guidance Testing devices in guidance-Meaning, Definition, Measurement, Uses of psychological tests: Intelligence tests – Aptitude tests- Personality InventoriesAttitude scales – Achievement tests – Creativity tests -Mental health – frustrationconflict. UNIT- IX Guidance Services in Schools Guidance services at different school levels–Meaning, Significance, Types – Organisation of Guidance services in schools – Role of guidance personnel – Career and Occupational Information – sources, gathering, filing, dissemination- Career Corner- Career Conference. UNIT X Guidance for Exceptional Children Guidance for Exceptional Children- Meaning and Types. Guidance for gifted, backward, mentally retarded, orthopaedically handicapped, visually impaired, deaf and dumb, juvenile delinquents. SUGGESTED REFERENCE BOOKS: Chauhan, S. S. (2008). Principles and techniques of guidance. UP: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Sharma, R. N. (2008). Vocational guidance counseling. Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Jones, A. J. (2008). Principles of guidance. (5 ed). Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Crow, L. D. , Crow, A. (2008). An introduction to guidance. Delhi: Surjeet Publications. 43 : ! †# : Sharma, R. A. (2008). Career information in career guidance. Meerut: R. Lall Books Depot. Meenakshisundaram, A. (2006). Experimental psychology. Dindigul: Kavyamala Publishers. Meenakshisundaram, A. (2005). Guidance and counseling. Dindigul: Kavyamala Publishers. Qureshi, H. (2004). Educational guidance. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Bhatnagar, R. P. , Seema, R. (2003). Guidance and counselling in education and psychology. Meerut: R. Lal Book Depot. Vashist S. R. (Ed. ). (2002). Principles of guidance. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. Sharma, R. N. (1999). Guidance and counseling. Delhi: Surjeet Publishers. Sodhi, T. S. , Suri, S. P. (1997). Publication. Aggarwal, J. C. (1991). Educational, vocational guidance and counseling. New Delhi: Doabai House. Sharma, N. R. (1989). Educational and vocational guidance. Agra: Vinod Pustak Mandir. Kochhar, S. K. (1984). Guidance and counseling in colleges and universities. New Delhi: Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Indu, D. (1983). The basic essentials of counseling. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Madhusudan, M. (1983). Educational and vocational guidance. Sambalpur: Saha Publishers Distributors. Anne, A. (1982). Psychological testing. New York: McMillan Company. Chauhan, S. S. (1982). Principles and techniques of guidance. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Rao, N. S. (1981). Counseling psychology. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Kochhar, S. K. (1979). Guidance in indian education. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Guidance and counseling. Patiala: Bawa 44 Gaur, J. S. , Saraswat, R. K. (1978). Occupational literature: An annotated bibliography. New Delhi: NCERT. James, C. H. (1978). Counselling process and procedures. New York: McMillan Co. Pasricha, P. (1976). Guidance and counselling in indian education. New Delhi: NCERT. Cirtes. (1974). Handbook on vocational guidance. New Delhi: Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation,Govt. of India. Tolbert, E. L. (1974). Counselling for career development. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Patterson, C. H. (1973). Theories of counselling and psycho-therapy. New York: Harper and Row. Sinha, S. N. (1973). Dynamics of vocational behaviour. Jaipur: Asia Publishing House. Nanda, S. K. , Sagar, S. (1972). Fundamentals of guidance. Chandigarh: N. B. S. Educational Publishers. Barclay, J. R. (1971). Foundations of counselling strategies. London: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Brewer, J. M. (1971). Education as guidance. New York: McGraw Hill. How to cite Motivationed and Social Adjustment, Essay examples
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